Hulk Ragnorok [MERGED]

Just wondering if you guys think this version of Hulk will be better than the original? I personally don't think he will but who knows.
Post edited by Kabam Rose on
Terrible troll attempt.. :P A for effort though.
Once per fight when either Hulk (Ragnarok) or his opponent hit 20% Health remaining, the crowd judges that fighter’s performance. If they feel they fought well, they give a Thumbs Up. If they feel they fought poorly, a Thumbs Down. Each judgement grants Hulk a Passive effect.
Thumbs Up: Regenerate 5060.91 Health on Hulk over 10 Seconds.
Thumbs Down: +1224.51 Attack for the rest of the fight.
Shouldn't this be opposite? I'd much rather have the attack power for having a good fight
I don't see anywhere in the spotlight that describes enervate as a game changer, but it is useful. Even when I land enervate with Gwenpool on a bleed immune target that I can't extend, any time you can deliver combos to the target without them gaining power is useful.
And although the spotlight doesn't detail this, I actually think Ragnarok Hulk might be a good match up for Mordo. On top of the strong heavy he has, he also has unstoppable on smash attacks and he has Face Me. I'm not always clear on what a "passive damage over time effect" is, but if Mordo's astral evade degen is a passive DoT that means that Rag Hulk has a much larger margin of error when facing Mordo. RHulk is going to tend to be using more heavies because Mordo likes to duck behind block more often than the average champ, and if you make a mistake Mordo's counter degen might actually be better for Hulk: most of the damage will be erased, and he'll gain a huge attack buff.
I would have to see it first, but it looks like that one might actually work out to be a good match up taking all abilities into account.
Passive damage over time seems to be only limbo, aura of incineration, and dorm degen. I'm personally curious to see if his face me works for degen nodes like starburst.
So bleed isnt a passive DOT?