[_OvA_] The Takeover looking for players

We're a 5 mil alliance looking for some ACTIVE members with the main focus being AQ, but also doing AWs a few times a week. We mainly use LINE for communication. This ally is most suited for the lightly competitive players who are willing to jump in AQ and AW a couple of times a day to progress, but not the most hardcore of players. We know you have a real life as well

- We have set battlegroups and you will be filled into one when you arrive.
- Our main events are Summoner Advancement (weekly basis), duels and completion. We use a yellow card system, so if you for example miss duels once you get a warning, if you miss it twice in a row, you will be given a yellow card. Two yellow cards will result in a kick. The yellow card can be eliminated by doing a donation however. Again, you'll be filled in on this when you arrive, it's a very easy system made so that you're not completely screwed if you miss an event or two. It happens.
- The weekly donations in order to do the maps we do are 20k gold, 5k battlechips and 2k loyalty.
If you are interested feel free to contact DrVD99, Romkulus, Kadazoom or ZeSpecter in-game or on LINE ZeSpecter.
ALTERNATIVELY, just throw your in-game name and/or LINE name down here and we'll fill you in
Current members: 26/30
I'm currently level 40. Rating is almost 44k(I know it's low but I'm working on it).
I'm looking to progress big time because I joined some random alliance that doesn't do anything.
Currently I've got following top 5 champs:
P.S. None of them are duped.
4* Blade R3 & Level 30
4* Ultron R3 & Level 24
4* Ghost Rider R3 & Level 10
4* Hyperion R3 & Level 7
5* Hyperion R1 & Level 11
I'm looking to do AW&AQ, and I'm not sure what map I can do with these.
I'm active in the game and willing to use LINE app.
I'm also looking for long-term alliance, which means I don't hop from one to another, no point in that.
If you want someone like this, let me know here or add me on LINE app.
Username: iCyanideKillPill. IG is the same but without one L, couldn't fit that one L lol.