My wishlist and who've got so far
At last got some of champions II'm trying to get good with nightcrawler and archangel. As well love using Melissa . I'd love to get agent venom .Hyperion his 3 bar attack 8s as close to supermaan I can foresee for a certain reason I've been wanting along with those 2 truly want mephisto Morningstar .ghost rider and redwood karknack. I'm getting good with vulture getting real good with blade and taskmaster. Got so many suggestions for game there needs to be more cosmic and mutant and science needs to enhance Luke cage maybe mix A crystal of him and hulk but I'm truly hopping to see a lycan the werewol I'm sure ill need to do research but I know of the 3 daughters of a mutant that had leopard cheetah and another Tyler of animal skill please bring the blade trials lamagra Reeves and especially Dracula. I'd do almost anything to get Dracula the way he was in trinity . as well as apocalypse he has powers to rival thanks maestro. And Edwin maestrilo Lang would be a easy squash I also feel trials of as hard starting with boar.the dark elves then Odin and frost g8iants then Thor heal stayed giant wolf who should hbe Lyman like underworld 3 and need a su]er martall artist in new age weapons withhosands years of experience let him be a bodyguard t1 of a 4 horseman who always was apocalypse favroute. Like blade Luke cage and the very best of teleporting or wings like archangel