Arena Battles For Begginers players

Every one here that start the game did'nt have any ideia about how to play the game. I was playing about 1 month and a week. I only knew about arenas after playing 2 weeks. And was difficult for me start playing the 3* arena. I was only doing the first arena to got Premium Shards and 3* Champions Shards. I only got a 3* Champion at the arena that was Gamora. Then i Did'nt want Yondu and Nebula. And Star Lord i was Interesting in him. And i made 240k of points and Do'nt got it. Because i was at the second month of the game when fineshed the Event. So... Is difficult to get the amount of points to get at the 10% rank. And i was sad about that. Another thing that i was thinking about is that only Guardians of Galaxy arena was "avaliable" because i did'nt have 3* Champions enough to do 4* arenas and get some 4* Champions. Actualy i have about 14 Champions of 3* and my friend told me that after playing 1 month you need to do at least 1,500k to get a 4* Champion. Nowadays is Venom 4* and Carnage 3*/4*. I Do'nt have time to do this amount of points to get then. Why not give us Begginers more time to play and get more 3* Champions to do some 4* arenas. And change the arenas of 3*, for example Carnage will be avaliable 2 times in this week. Why not only this days and after fineshed Kabam give us 3* arenas of another Champion? Hope that somebody read my opnion