Need 10 replacement for 5mil alli aw tier 5 aq map 4 and 5

Our alliance name is Atlantis TAG troy8
We need active members to replace all the inactive members
Or any other alli which would like to merge and have around 5-10 active members can add me for further communication
We are currently able to do map5 3 days with 2 battlegroup 100% and war rating is 1100
We need loyal members suitable for map 5 and ALLIANCE WARS
If ur interested in joining and if ur 150k+ rating
Add me on line id- gamersupersaiyan
Or in game id- gamersupersaiyan
Thank u
or any other alli with active members want to merge can also add megp0accc4f2j9.jpg
We need active members to replace all the inactive members
Or any other alli which would like to merge and have around 5-10 active members can add me for further communication
We are currently able to do map5 3 days with 2 battlegroup 100% and war rating is 1100
We need loyal members suitable for map 5 and ALLIANCE WARS
If ur interested in joining and if ur 150k+ rating
Add me on line id- gamersupersaiyan
Or in game id- gamersupersaiyan
Thank u
or any other alli with active members want to merge can also add megp0accc4f2j9.jpg