Green Goblin Good? and ranking him up

GQuantaoGQuantao Member Posts: 208
Drew 4* GG today, yay. How good is he unduped? Does he need dupe to be super defender?

And, I can take one 4* Tech up to R5, choices are:
Starlord (awakened, low sig)
Ultron (awakened, also low sig)
Yondu (sig 60)
Nebula (sig 20), or
AoU Visin (sig 40)

I'm not good enough to maintain long combos, I usually mess up after 30 to 40 with SL.
What should I do?


  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I was in a similar position a couple months ago. I ended up ranking up Vision. Wish I had done Ultron or Nebula instead. In my case, I needed a good bleed-immune champ. Issue with Vision and Ultron is that they don't hit very hard, but they are both very straight-forward fighters (no special "do this, then do that" **** to get their utility). Vision does have good power control & heal block, Ultron is great for AQ with his regens, and Nebula can hit hard if you stack up her static charges.

    Yondu is also a great option if you need a heal blocker and another war defender.

    There isn't a huge difference between R4 and R5 with SL, so I kept him low.

    I've heard GG is good, but can be tricky to get good damage with. He's also a good AW defense option.

    None of them really need high sig levels to be effective. Ultron only absorbs energy damage, Vision steals power with specials.
  • Vision_41Vision_41 Member Posts: 721
    Vision would be my choice, Power Steal, Power Drain, Heal Block, Poison Immunity, and Bleed Immunity.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    I wanna start off by saying that I do not think yondu is your best option,but he would not be a bad option. Duped mine R4'd him and probably to R5 sometime in the future. Wish I could dupe my starlord sometime so I can test him out myself.
  • T9951T9951 Member Posts: 103
    If you have a hard time keeping a 30 combo or more go ultron . Will save you some pots. We are now moving this thread to being closed .
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Umm SL has power control just not reliable power control
    And he can do damage over time with shock also not power control.
    Despite being more of a long fight king he isn't bad for short fights and if your at a point of rank 5ing someone your prolly close to act 5 which most fight a are above 100hits which 100 hits is when he is considered the hardest hitter in game anything above that is just icing on the cake.

    But yea if you don't have good ability to keep combo he isn't good.

    Is go vision if you need power control otherwise I love my ultron he has fine damage with bleed and l1 plus lots of stuns, regen and an auto evade chance every 7 seconds.
    His Sig isn't amazing but is handy for some free health and means magneto, DS and dorm do like 0 damage to you
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    edited February 2018
    SL is really the way to go long term and just work on keeping your combo count up (take fewer risks, absorb some block damage, etc). That will give you the biggest band for your buck by far.

    Short term Ultron provides the immunity you're looking for plus regen to overcome hits, starburst, coldsnap, limbo and other unavoidable damage. Though he's decent at r4 and plows through AQ for me still (lol just not bosses because of his metal pillowhands).

    I like Vision a lot and his power cotnrol is great if you don't have any other options, but he hits softly and is pretty soft.
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    He does not need to be unduped to be a super defender. Put him in a regen node and he can be quite annoying. Plus, there’s really no opening to any of his SPs, so he cant get hit from bait-then-counter.

    He needs to be duped though to deal heavier damage. He can potentially deal huge damage on his SP2. SP1 is a bit unreliable in terms of power control but if he has cunning, his opponent gains power 40% less. That’s actually his form of power control.
  • SgtSlaughter78SgtSlaughter78 Member Posts: 464 ★★★
    R5 Yondu is a beast. Hits like a train, and his heal block sp1 is super useful for all kinds of content. Good defender too.

    I had him on my team for my first run through of 5.4.6
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,835 ★★★★★
    edited February 2018
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of Star Lord. Yes he can hit really hard, BUT he relies on his hit streak which runs into one of 2 problems:

    1) You don't have the skill and/or luck to get a good streak. Slightly mis-timed evade, a block that drops, or an intercept that didn't work (or get kabammed by a micro-lag) and you're back to square 1.

    2) Fights actually have to last long enough to get big streaks. Over 95% of the fights you see on a day-to-day basis are over with less than 40 hits and well before SL gets to his really good attack range. There are stacks of champs which have much better "short-term" damage output.

    He has no other real utility. No immunities, no Damage over time, no power control, no buff control (nullify, stagger, etc). Outside of quests like Act 5, ROL, and LOL and a handful of AQ/AW bosses, he really doesn't help most players.

    Look at the teams your alliance mates use, you rarely see him.

    Re: Starlord and utility, "I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there, yeah"

    L2 & L3 does have
    Damage Over Time via Shock
    Power Control via Power Drain

    along with a chance to Heal Block or Armor Break.

    I do agree with your other points though.

  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    I recently had a choice between ranking Vision AoU and Nebula and chose Vision. I do like Vision a lot, but I wish I had gone with Nebula.

    IMO she is much more versatile.
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