Rulk resist

there was some other post about his incinerate resist working on the debuff you get hit with from a special but not on Meph aura - Can anyone confirm it gets you immune to meph aura as well? Makes no sense if that's not the case.
If Rulk is duped, his Heat charges increase his resistance against AoI. Without his Sig, he’s only immune to Incinerate debuffs, not Mephisto’s aura
if I use Luke does concussion stop Arc, or just mephisto's own regen. If concussion works on the node effects even without the immune would he be better than Rulk?
Concussion will stop Mephisto’s Regen, but only if he’s unduped (if he’s duped his ability accuracy can’t be reduced). It SHOULD stop Overload though, because that isn’t actually one of Mephisto’s abilities, but I could be wrong
I believe Mephisto cannot have his ability accuracy reduced by passive effects such as BW's Subtlety, but an active debuff like Concussion should work fine. Just make sure you land it with 4 debuffs on him so you get the 100% reduction.