Forum Feedback Confirmations

I would like it if the Forum provided some sign that a post has been viewed by a moderator (and don't make it open-and-shut, I want actual attention). This might reassure players that their comments have been noted, especially concerning bugs, Alliance Bases and other high-tension subjects.


  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    This is what I mean... nothing! No "Your post has been read by a moderator", no "Your request has been flatly denied," not even a "Thank you for your request, but we do not care if our players have a good relationship with us; we just want their money".
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    This is what I mean... nothing! No "Your post has been read by a moderator", no "Your request has been flatly denied," not even a "Thank you for your request, but we do not care if our players have a good relationship with us; we just want their money".

    Maybe if you commented with a constructive reply to your original post or made it during normal business hours then you would be more likely to get the obvious answer you want "we will take this to the game team" or "we will consider it."
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    As far as suggestions go...they cannot possibly be expected to respond to every suggested change or addition to the game. Many of the suggestions made are along the lines of "more rewards" or "add 5*s to the PHC" and not worth replying to each one individually or have been addressed multiple times by mods in the past. Plus I would assume the game team would eventually tell the mods "enough already" if they were passing on 50 suggestions a day to them. In regards to the non-"more stuff/buff" suggestions (for example, your mind damage suggestion which though I am not on board with, I sincerely respect the amount of work you have put into it) the suggestion may be similar to something already in the works, or contrary to something already in the works and they are not allowed to tell you that until that info is officially released.

    As far as Alliance Bases go....they have answered that 100s of times...seriously let it go. After seeing what was implemented in Transformers....we are good.

    As far as bugs go....half of the bugs posted on the forums seem to be people who do not read node and/or champion descriptions...they do not need to respond to that stuff, as other players usually clear up the confusion. Or it is a simple bug that support can resolve...the mods are not tech support. The bugs that are bigger or run deeper than those two examples, they seem to do okay in communicating that it is being looked into.(not saying they get resolved)..but you also have people who ignore or don't bother to check the that there is already 5 threads about that bug and create their own...are they supposed to individually respond to each of those?

    Not saying it is a perfect system by any means..and I can get really frustrated about stuff as well..but the moderators are playing the role that Kabam has defined for them.
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    That is just my point; there can't be that many posts that are actually worth passing on to the game developers... They could even have a sort of "Favorite" or "Like" button for mods only that signal "Hey, this might be worth checking out!" without even having to pile onto the work load. Instead, it can just get added to the To Do List. The game team wont even know its there until they look. What they dont know wont hurt them, right?
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    That is just my point; there can't be that many posts that are actually worth passing on to the game developers... They could even have a sort of "Favorite" or "Like" button for mods only that signal "Hey, this might be worth checking out!" without even having to pile onto the work load. Instead, it can just get added to the To Do List. The game team wont even know its there until they look. What they dont know wont hurt them, right?

    But you are missing my point, that is not the job of the moderators on this board. From past Kabam posts, I know that the game team does read the forums, (It is one of the reasons why the mods try to keep threads organized by sub-topic. It allows the dev team to look at "bugs and known issues" or "suggestions and requests" without having to sort through RDT and drop rate posts.)

    The individual acknowledgement you are seeking will also never happen for another may suggest something that they are already doing...they are not allowed to tell you they are doing that, and to acknowledge your post would lead to "Kabam stole my idea and didn't give me any credit!"

    I have never been on any game forum where they individually acknowledge every idea...if that acknowledgement is that important to may want to stop posting ideas. You will never get the "pat on the head" you seem to be seeking.
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    Solswerd wrote: »
    That is just my point; there can't be that many posts that are actually worth passing on to the game developers... They could even have a sort of "Favorite" or "Like" button for mods only that signal "Hey, this might be worth checking out!" without even having to pile onto the work load. Instead, it can just get added to the To Do List. The game team wont even know its there until they look. What they dont know wont hurt them, right?

    The individual acknowledgement you are seeking will also never happen for another may suggest something that they are already doing...they are not allowed to tell you they are doing that, and to acknowledge your post would lead to "Kabam stole my idea and didn't give me any credit!"

    I see the reasoning behind this... but it's not like it would be a secret, what with all the people looking at the game files for unreleased Champions...
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    Last comment: I am a junior in college. The particular university charges out-of-state students like me twice the tuition cost of in-staters. In the past three years this value has doubled again and it isn't supposed to get better anytime soon. I am in no situation to sue Kabam.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hey there -

    I wanted to drop by and address this to clarify a few things. The forums are meant to be for the community, a location for players to talk with one another and share different ideas or discuss pieces of the game. It isn't a one on one for speaking with Kabam directly though we do share information between the rest of our teams. That said, we won't be able to respond to every single thread within the forums, but that doesn't mean we aren't reading them. (We mention this within our forum rules).

    I understand that this can be frustrating and not at all what you'd hoped for, but please be assured we are reading the threads posted and doing what we can in acknowledging them.

    Thank you to @Solswerd for explaining this all constructively.
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