Singapore TOP alliance recruiting

We are tier 2 aw rating 2.6k rating Asian alliance and aiming to go higher
Few vacancies..
1.5.5k prestige and above(100% act 5 or near completion required)
2.Able to play map 6
3.Team player,skilful and can communicate to all Asian time zone
If ur a player with ambition then look for me
My line I’d is masks99
Few vacancies..
1.5.5k prestige and above(100% act 5 or near completion required)
2.Able to play map 6
3.Team player,skilful and can communicate to all Asian time zone
If ur a player with ambition then look for me
My line I’d is masks99
1 going..
Removing deadweights..
Keep it coming
Keep it coming.
1 coming in after aq.keep it coming
Alliance name:sg avengers