Jarnbjorn crystal issue?

How come every other featured grandmaster crystal states increased chances for both champs shown, but this one does not list Blade while showcasing his face on the crystal screen? Also, for verification to a non believer.. Is he even in there?
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Miike
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This true? Have we been deceived? Why’s he there if he’s no longer increased chance? Older videos of the crystal clearly stated he was, this one does not.
@Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Kabam Zibiit
Could only decipher part of what you were saying. Same crystal used to specifically list both Thor and Blade as increased chance. Today’s version does not. Still has his photo though.
I realise your first language isn’t English but is it possible to invest time in google translate? I think it might get your message across better.
Everybody can see it's not your first language. You clearly read it well, you always understand others. It's super hard work for us to understand you though. English isn't my first language either and I'm pretty dyslexic. Neither of those things mean I write sloppy hard to read messages, it means I have to use translaters, English spellcheck, English grammer apps and/or look words up online.
You keep using "it's not my native language" as excuse to write almost unreadable posts, but it's not a valid excuse, it means you have to work harder then others to get the same results. I hope you realize you are making a lot of people work really hard to understand what you mean, instead of trying hard to write it understandable yourself.
I'll ask the team what's up with the description, but my first impression is that you can't have an "increase chance" at a Champion that is not in the Base Pool.
That doesn't make any sense. The entire point of getting these crystals is that you're getting a featured champ that is NOT in the base pool. The question is whether Blade is featured in this crystal as well as Thor, since Blade's picture is on the flag for the crystal, but not in the description.
Exactly this and I promise that’s not me this time lol. Much rather a photo of your beautiful face in Blades place if it’s not increased shot for him Miike.
I think there's more confusion here than there needs to be. What I was trying to say is, if a Champion is not in the Base pool, then it's not possible to have an "increased chance". You can have a chance for sure, but increasing the chance from 0% is not really an increase when there was no base chance to begin with.
Again, I'm asking the team about this, but today is a holiday, which does mean that it might be a while until I get a reply.
Im understand u. But. Im always try my Best u dont ikow wher im com from and How im hav lernt not all u good to every thing in the World hops u understand Thah alot better
I respect your struggle and will to overcome it! Peace, love and no secondary accounts from the US :-)
Thank you for taking it to the team. Really curious as to why prior iterations of this exact crystal previously specifically stated Blade was an increased chance though and now this doesn’t. I have photos to back this. I will be sure to read the descriptions closer prior to throwing money at them in the future.
If you have those Photos, can you send them to me? I'd like to ask the team about that as well.
"as rare drops."
Nothing about Increased Chance
Do we really need to find other images or previous posts that show “rare drops” and “increased chance” to be interchangeable, so you actually pay attention to the point of this post??? Come on, man.
I'm paying attention. There is a difference between Increased Chance and Rare Drops. They are not interchangeable.