Looking for a new alliance

I'm in the game for 7 weeks and grinded hard during beginner and intermediate bracket. I have 13 4* champs, 7 duped and 9 are 30/30. Will get my first 5* and one more 4* duped this week. My level is 40, my masteries are OK and match to my level. Up to now I didn't spend any money. I'm looking for a new alliance to grow (T4B, T4C, Alphas). My current alliance is a beginners alliance with no real grinders and is not very relyable regarding AW. If timezone matters, I'm located in Europe. IGN: -F2P-, LINE-ID: -f2p-
We do require donations, but only enough to cover the cost of the AQ. (Your contribution would be total cost divided by 30)
I will reach out to you in-game, but you can contact me the follow way (ClanHQ/Line are easier during the day - US timezones):
In-game: Lourido! Line: Lourido1 ClanHQ: Lourido#XabC
We love to chat and are weird lol