Convert XP to Gold for Level 60 Players

Simple enough idea, when you hit level cap, the XP is converted into gold.
For example:
Pre-60: +500 XP / +500 Gold reward
Post-60: +1000 Gold reward
Same example, but using a +50% XP Boost:
Pre-60: +750 XP / +500 Gold reward
Post-60: +1250 Gold reward
This does two things:
1) Passively helps with the gold issue many level capped players complain about without just handing out gold for nothing.
2) Makes the +40% / +50% XP boosts worth more to level capped players than just things you use on the Item Use 72hr event.
For example:
Pre-60: +500 XP / +500 Gold reward
Post-60: +1000 Gold reward
Same example, but using a +50% XP Boost:
Pre-60: +750 XP / +500 Gold reward
Post-60: +1250 Gold reward
This does two things:
1) Passively helps with the gold issue many level capped players complain about without just handing out gold for nothing.
2) Makes the +40% / +50% XP boosts worth more to level capped players than just things you use on the Item Use 72hr event.
Because half of the reward, the XP portion, of everything you do is 100% wasted at level 60.
But you could technically, however unlikely, achieve Uncollected status at level 40.
So?! Not Everyone can be level 60 in a short period time.
He’s trolling on the wrong thread.
Great idea, OP.
Agree with @SgtSlaughter78 .
@dkatryl, you don't need to respond to the troll. This thread is about XP->Gold, nothing to do with uncollected. He can go troll someone else's thread **** about why not ABCXYZ for uncollected.
Agree that either time to increase the XP level to say 70 or 80 or even 100, or if they don't want to do that, the next reasonable change is to allow XP to be converted to Gold.
Miike, could this be taken back to the team please?
I was thinking the same thing, to convert the XP into gold. They can do a item that we buy with units to make this possible at level 60. So, you have to invest in, but the gold rewards would be amazing
Not sure you know what slap in the face means, but the XP boosts are only good for the Item Use event one you hit 60.
He's saying that getting xp boosts that he can't use for 2 years is a slap in the face (figuratively).
I wouldn't be opposed to the concept of XP->Gold for players who are level 60 AND uncollected, either.