How unlucky have you been?

AnuragsahaAnuragsaha Member Posts: 37
Well I just had the unluckiest experience with the game yesterday.

Our alliance does SA every alternate week. So I always get hyped because we save up crystals for one entire week. This time i also had a 5 star crystal to open. I spun it with great hope. The reel starts spinning. Sparky appears in the real and spins out into oblivion. I see a Quake but she goes away too. Then Ghost Rider appears, but even he decides not to join my roster. Finally the crystal stops. Aaaaand .....its a Colossus. :'( I was pretty bummed about it but i guess Kabam was happier to give me an ass champion than i was sad to get him. The total happiness in the world increased so whatever.
I was really angry so i just decided to do my war attacks. You wont believe, but midway into the fight, the game lags and i lose. i am totally furious at this point and decide to open my 4 star crystal. NO luck even this time. I dupe my Yellow Jacket once again. This just means extra Science ISO and I have no Science champs to upgrade.
I have opened 25x 4 and 5 star crystals. 0 god tier champs. 1 demi-god. Pray for me friends. 1 prayer= 1 god tier champ for you and me.
Also, I would like to hear what has been your luckiest and unluckiest experience with the game.(I would have shared my luckiest moment too , but i have none).


  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    just become uncollected
    pulled 4star killmonger
    but no rag Hulk or 5star Sl Spark Qwen pool or Blade :| :
  • WhatRYouWhatRYou Member Posts: 443 ★★
    Hang in there bud...I had like the shittiest luck for 9 months in...and then in 2 months i had a 5 star stark spidey, gwenpool, ghost rider...4 star stark spidey, gwenpool, Medusa, X-23......those 2 months compensated for 9 months...just hang in there...ur 2 months will come....

    Youre awesome for replying that!
    Been there....months of **** pulls and 1 amazing month that compensated for everything!
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,567 ★★★★★
    My first ftp 4 star character was iron patriot...then my 2nd was carnage...
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Incredibly lucky with 4*s (AA SL GP and Medusa over 3 months), not that great with 5*s
  • Marine31_Marine31_ Member Posts: 61
    6 out of my last 10 have been Howard and Miles and the other 4 weren't anything to shake a stick at..they suck period the end
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Mixed bag over the last couple of months something like

    5* Civil warrior
    5* Ultron
    4* Spidergwen dupe
    4* Wolverine
    4* Captain marvel
    5* Captain marvel
    4* Black bolt
    2 4* dupes of x23
    4* Venompool dupe
    4* Colssuss
    4* star lord dupe
    5* Antman
    4* Daredevil Netflix dupe
    4* Medsua
    4* Void
    4* Red hulk dupe
    4* Karnak
    4* iron fist
    4* kamalla khan
    4* vision dupe
    4* Hulk buster dupe
    4* pheonix dupe
  • 航空民工航空民工 Member Posts: 38
    12 odins no 5* Blade
  • AnuragsahaAnuragsaha Member Posts: 37
    12 odins no 5* Blade

    woah! thats really unlucky man. I wish you best of luck on 22nd Feb
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