Red hulk. Vs Green hulk

Ok. I did plenty of testing on the two hulks. I feel red hulk is now the better hulk. Easy to use, no gimmicks, just get to 10 heat charges and absolutely destroy everyone in his path. What people dont realize is not one champ is immune to heat charges, so bonus damage is guarenteed. The block damage they take from 10 heat charges is insane. The green hulk is good but having to wait unti his health is low for max damage is not fun.
What are your thoughts?
What are your thoughts?
All of this. I use mine with HE and Quake synergy so the stuns are 15% more likely. Against people with stupid mechanics or node buffs (unblockable under 25%), the ability to just keep them immobile forever is invaluable. Even if one does fail and you eat an s3, you can revive and come back with low health for more attack power and try again without wasting health pots.
Rulk is nice though, especially against mystics. If facing stun immune or limber nodes, then Rulk has more of a claim.
The hits of a sig 50 green hulk + 1 fury (non-hulksmash one) + 10% hp remaining + both fury masteries maxed = Rulk at 10 heat charges.
Green hulk does have chain stun but if Rulk is duped, at 10 heat charges he becomes immune to any incinerate damage + has better block prof than the Cap Americas against physical hits (takes less block damage) and he regens a decent amount. When you get to 10 heat charges the block damage is so low that he will easily outheal any damage.
Since heat stacks don't overheat anymore, you're quickly fighting him with 10 stacks for almost the entirety of the match, and that extra +180% dmg will destroy you if you get careless and miss a block.
but after comparing the two for a while for war, it's not even close to me how much better RULK is than Hulk. He gets Hulk damage very fast after just a handul of blocks and is at full health compared to Hulk duamage at 20% health. It's nice that you can do so much dmg and may possibly get through a few nodes at low health, but it's more of a novelty than practicality. Especially in tier 1, unless you're a super ninja you're not gonna be clearing whole lanes with Hulk at 20% health. And you'd have a bunch of 4/55's to choose from as well. 4-star RULK is actually competitive against many 4/55 champs because he matches their damge and durablity against mystics after just a handul of blocks.
I mostly agree with you but I wouldn't say underwhelming. If you need a character to just do raw damage, no one out there beats either Hulk or Rulk IMO
The additional damage he deals with every hit is great and the 971 hp he regens from every s2 helps to get back some of the block damage he occasionally takes
He's one of the few champs I've found that have critical resistance built into his base stats. His synergies are pretty good. High crit increases, perf block teams, etc. Plus, he helps make abomination somewhat more useful (perfect synergy, with both champs getting big crit boosts).
My science roster is pretty weak, so I am glad Rulk is a beast.
It's a good article, but why did you post it on this thread? It has absolutely nothing to do with Rulk Vs Hulk.
Had to R4 my Rulk due to expiring T2a a while back and must say I don’t regret it at all, the damage is so high
Oh it was glorious