Uncollected Hulk Ragnarok

xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
edited February 2018 in Strategy and Tips
I've found Hulk Ragnarok to be the hardest fight for this month's Uncollected EQ. Just wondering who are the best champa to use against him? He heals quite a bit whenever I fight him. Should I use a heal block champ? Right now I'm using a team of Starlord, Hyperion, Quake, Magik and Rogue.


  • elenka_1987elenka_1987 Member Posts: 1
    Это да)
  • ThatGuy214ThatGuy214 Member Posts: 312 ★★
    He wasn’t that bad really just get his timing down on his speacials and push him to two bars really any champ can beat him I used stark and SL mostly
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    ThatGuy214 wrote: »
    He wasn’t that bad really just get his timing down on his speacials and push him to two bars really any champ can beat him I used stark and SL mostly

    I've cleared two lines so far. But I used like 3 single revives each time. Plus I feel he is a lot more aggressive. Maybe I'm not used to his move sets yet. That unblockable finale I feel is tricky as I'm required to watch the power bar too. @ThatGuy214
  • ninexhelixninexhelix Member Posts: 136
    Go back to master or heroic if you’ve already completed and run the same level a few times wth less powerful champs and maybe 1 or 2 of your top to finish off, or just quit the map, if already completed. That’ll get you the feel for his move set and you’ll be more comfortable when he goes unblockable. Take some 3 stars or r3 4 stars in. First time through I struggled a bit on timing parries, went back to the easier levels and fought him a few times with 3 stars til I got a better handle on it. No issues afterward. Pushing him to 2 bars is the best strategy as ThatGuy214 said. His L2 is easy to evade. Mostly used rogue and hype on him. AoU Vision sometimes too.
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Ah. Never thought about doing that. I had no issues with him on heroic and master. Maybe just need to put in a few more fights to get the hang of it. @ninexhelix
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