What was you round 2 feature arena score for Killmonger?...

I did 8,882,265 and only hit 1-10%. I thought for sure after the addition of the 5* arena in general, last week's score and the t4 arena going at the same time that I would get in the top 800 with that score. .. I did the t4 arena as well. Not grinding for a very long time. Super dissapointed.
And that's almost certainly what caused the scores to rise. There's some psychology involved in arena scoring. I've noticed that when the first round score is a little too low relative to predictions, it encourages more players to jump in causing the second round scores to be higher than you would otherwise expect.
Remember that the arena is not about aiming for a score. It is aiming to score just a little more than everyone else thinks they have to score. Everyone aims for a target (of the players that are competitive but not near the top). A lot of those people have to be wrong. You have to try to be one of those that is right, by thinking a little more aggressively than the others.
I know how arena works
0 points in arena, because I'm Batman
I got 7.5 and was in the 1-10% rank
I got 7.5 and was in the 1-10% rank
What was ur score?
It says on the screenshot
Thanks. Didn't see it at first
Not in the five star arena you didn’t.