Green Goblin

Troyster316Troyster316 Member Posts: 51
I was wondering if Green Goblin is worth a tech awaking gem. I know the easy answer is wait for Stark or Starlord, but realistically averaging a 5* every 3 months the odds of getting them are astronomical! I have plenty of tech t4cc and t1a’s. I have GG at rank 2 and so far am not impressed, just wondering if he gets any better.


  • jojodeth101jojodeth101 Member Posts: 480
    I have 3 green goblins and it is worth the gem
  • Troyster316Troyster316 Member Posts: 51
    May as well Give it a try because at least it will guarantee I’ll get a Stark my next pull! LOL
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Noo, he doesn't gain much from his dupe, his main use nowadays is on defense on that crazy regen node. I'd save the gem I've been sitting on 5 * awakening gems for over a year but when you pull the right champion the wait will be worth it
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