Active, friendly, and growing fast 1.3 mil alliance looking for active members

We, Akri Di Diyum (STYXX), are a core of solid, experienced players looking for friendly, active recruits. We are a relatively new alliance (little over a month old), though with 27 members, and growing fast. We are currently advancing in all areas but do AQ2 and are about to move up to AQ3. We are currently bronze 1 AW rank and are looking to improve. We hit our current SA targets and earn 4* and 5* shards for doing so. Donations are optional. Players need to be active and use the Line app for communication. You need to be online regularly or give us a heads up that you won't be. We are active but all have lives, so appreciate that the same is true for you! We have a laugh on Line and will help you grow. My username is sickosleepyhead. Friend me in-game or on Line for a chat.