about these same characters

Karlos7Karlos7 Member Posts: 24
edited March 2018 in General Discussion
I do not see the need for the same heroes in the game, like the white Magneto and Red Magneto, Cyclope Azul and ciclope of the new school Xavier, Daredevil classic and the other daredvil and among other heroes alike in the game, besides being characters not so good in the game, it's frustrating when we open crystals and they go out, as it was in my case, I opened two 4-star crystals and the white Magneto and the red Magneto came out, I was not happy about it, I spent a lot of time to get the fragments, only one of them in the crystal would be normal, but taking out the two magnets is already super suspicious, I'm trying to evolve in the game, but in this way does not give several difficult missions with characters with new powers and abilities, it is impossible to achieve a result and a good reward in this way.


  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    edited March 2018
    It's old content. The worst thing about it was not only was it the same champ, they had the same abilities too. I don't necessarily mind different versions of the same champ if they work differently. Like say Stark Spider-man vs. Classic Spider-man because they're very different champs in game. However, situations like Ms. Marvel vs Cpt. Marvel, Red Mags vs White Mags, Classic Cyclops vs Red Cyclops are poor attempts at "different" versions of champs because... well they're not really. There are 1 or 2 ways their abilities work or trigger slightly differently than the other but it's still the same stuff. I feel like they would have served better as different skins (which really should be a thing btw Kabam) than different champs. I feel like they've gotten away from doing this kind of thing, but it would be nice if they'd go back and change up the copy/pasted abilities.
  • brucef8bringerbrucef8bringer Member Posts: 131
    It would have been great if we could choose the outfit from the character's profile instead of having another version of the same character.

    Kabam should add skins for 70s Luke Cage and Psylocke in a sexy thong. Not as new characters but as optional skins for the characters we already have.
  • General_VisGeneral_Vis Member Posts: 138
    Most were included back in the day when Kabam were finding their feet so it’s understandable they had to get out some reskins just to keep up with their release schedule. Even some of the unique champs were reskins of previously release champs. At one point all the women had he same character model and I’m pretty sure the likes of Thor, Ronan and Hyperion all use the same model.

    However, what wasn’t necessary was releasing multiple versions in the 5* crystal. They chose one Captain America, Captain Marvel and Daredevil (albeit the weaker versions) but then for some reason added two versions of Cyclops, Iron Man and Spider Man (classic and symbiotic - not counting sparky).

    I’m really hoping they don’t do the same with 6* champs. We already have one version of Cap and DD in there (the good ones this time) so hopefully they leave it at that.

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