Who should I r4 next?

CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
Here's a list of all my r3 champs. If I don't mention anything about their Signature Ability or Synergies, they aren't duplicated and/or have no synergies with my top champs.

Who should I r4 next? 48 votes

Phoenix (Sig Level 40) (Enemies with SW, It's Complicated with Wolverine)
GroundedWisdomShrimkinsadqqedfyvrHeroBoltsySickBanter69 5 votes
Agent Venom (Teammates with Drax)
Vdh2008xxVINMANxxTayTay_1063RedManQuick_Silver1 5 votes
Falcon (Sig Level 20) (Enemies with Crossbones)
Captain America (Sig Level 20) (Enemies with Crossbones, Friends with Wolverine)
CablespumingtonStefffNeaekX_ScottFireballs5Mrbeast6000Primmer79SpideyCedricccCakeeater290 11 votes
SnakeEyes69Yelin547DLegendTimone147AEG93DonaldJTrump69OnaKushDietDeadbyrd9TheManMythLegendTrimbobGreatScottManup456I_am_GrootWolvwarSpiritSuperFarz 16 votes
Thor Jane Foster
WolfGuySadal 2 votes
Symbiote Spider-Man
Save for an r5
VoluntarisStara99No_More_HeroesPlatinumreach4GrinderTheLazyKingSpeedbumpjordo128Shawn8181 9 votes


  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Captain America (Sig Level 20) (Enemies with Crossbones, Friends with Wolverine)
    cap is my top choice out of that... but it depends on need. if you need defense, NC is my top choice. I run Phoenix, Sw, wolv occasionally for AQ, and usually run Crossbones, cap, SW for war. it depends a lot on what you need them for. Cap/NC would give you the most longevity imo
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    cap is my top choice out of that... but it depends on need. if you need defense, NC is my top choice. I run Phoenix, Sw, wolv occasionally for AQ, and usually run Crossbones, cap, SW for war. it depends a lot on what you need them for. Cap/NC would give you the most longevity imo

    What is your opinion on Phoenix? Would she be a good third choice? Because I've loaded up on Sig Stones with her, plus she's got just as many synergies.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    If you vote, please take the time to explain why you chose that character. You may bring a new detail to light that I hadn't noticed, and it may sway my decision.
  • AEG93AEG93 Member Posts: 69
    I vote for NC, he is one of the top defenders in the game, and he is an even better defender unawakened. My second choice would be Cap (assuming it's OG Cap, if it's WW2 then he's the first choice). The third option would be agent venom, his versatility can really help you wherever you need him.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    AEG93 wrote: »
    I vote for NC, he is one of the top defenders in the game, and he is an even better defender unawakened. My second choice would be Cap (assuming it's OG Cap, if it's WW2 then he's the first choice). The third option would be agent venom, his versatility can really help you wherever you need him.

    It's the original Cap, yes.
  • Spidey076Spidey076 Member Posts: 310
    Here are what according to you need
    1.if you dont have any ability accuracy reducing champ like bw or cb then definitely go for falcon i love his bleed.
    2.if you want for defense definitely Nightcrawler
    If nc is dupe then no dupe nc is easy to defeat.
    3.if the cap is ww2 then above all first r4 cap but if it is classic then Phoenix definitely
    My conclusion is i thought according to my point 1 if you dont have bw or cb then falcon definitely. i thought you dont have much r4 so falcon will be really gr8 choice.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I voted NC because he's the best defender on the list. If you need offense then I would pick captain America but I don't know what your other top champs are
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I voted NC because he's the best defender on the list. If you need offense then I would pick captain America but I don't know what your other top champs are

    My top champs are (the following are r4) Star Lord, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch, and Crossbones. My r2 5 star is Drax.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Spidey076 wrote: »
    Here are what according to you need
    1.if you dont have any ability accuracy reducing champ like bw or cb then definitely go for falcon i love his bleed.
    2.if you want for defense definitely Nightcrawler
    If nc is dupe then no dupe nc is easy to defeat.
    3.if the cap is ww2 then above all first r4 cap but if it is classic then Phoenix definitely
    My conclusion is i thought according to my point 1 if you dont have bw or cb then falcon definitely. i thought you dont have much r4 so falcon will be really gr8 choice.

    If CB is Crossbones, then yes I have him. Cap is original, so I should go Phoenix?
  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    Captain America (Sig Level 20) (Enemies with Crossbones, Friends with Wolverine)
    If you're still bringing champs to 4/40, you probably need champs that are good for utility rather than defense or prestige. I voted for Cap. He's really useful once you learn to use him, and his synergies with Crossbones and Wolverine will give you a pretty good team from top to bottom.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    edited June 2017
    I like NC for defense. Check out my who to r4 link too. Also could use some advice.
  • xxVINMANxxxxVINMANxx Member Posts: 23
    Agent Venom (Teammates with Drax)
    If I had to pick one it'd be Agent Venom.
    I love his fighting style and he is incredible for fighting all those pesky spidermen.
    Also shrugs off debuffs most of the time.

    My 2nd pick would be Nightcrawler for AW defense.

    I'm not a fan of Cap at all. He's a very boring character to use in my opinion. Yes he can block like a boss but that just isn't a fun ability for me. I evade more than I block anyway.

    Also not a huge fan of Phoenix. She can throw out some incredible damage if used right but she is quite squishy and I don't like the movement of the floating characters personally.

    My 2 cents ;)
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Phoenix (Sig Level 40) (Enemies with SW, It's Complicated with Wolverine)
    I'm not really sure what your situation is but I chose phoenix. Typically, when I rank up champs to r4, I'm not using them for much besides arena fodder and phoenix has the highest rating = more points.

    I have a r5 phoenix for prestige purposes but I use her a lot for questing. She's pretty cool once you get the hang of her and learn how to maximize her sig ability.
  • Spidey076Spidey076 Member Posts: 310
    Spidey076 wrote: »
    Here are what according to you need
    1.if you dont have any ability accuracy reducing champ like bw or cb then definitely go for falcon i love his bleed.
    2.if you want for defense definitely Nightcrawler
    If nc is dupe then no dupe nc is easy to defeat.
    3.if the cap is ww2 then above all first r4 cap but if it is classic then Phoenix definitely
    My conclusion is i thought according to my point 1 if you dont have bw or cb then falcon definitely. i thought you dont have much r4 so falcon will be really gr8 choice.

    If CB is Crossbones, then yes I have him. Cap is original, so I should go Phoenix?

    @CrusherOfDreams yeah if you have Crossbone then definitely phoenix.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Captain America (Sig Level 20) (Enemies with Crossbones, Friends with Wolverine)

    What is your opinion on Phoenix? Would she be a good third choice? Because I've loaded up on Sig Stones with her, plus she's got just as many synergies.

    She's okay, by no means a game changer. I R5 her mainly because I had a cosmic t4cc in stash and had to use them. Great for prestige, and if used correctly, can deal massive damage. I suggest watching some videos on her beforehand.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    xxVINMANxx wrote: »
    If I had to pick one it'd be Agent Venom.
    I love his fighting style and he is incredible for fighting all those pesky spidermen.
    Also shrugs off debuffs most of the time.

    My 2nd pick would be Nightcrawler for AW defense.

    I'm not a fan of Cap at all. He's a very boring character to use in my opinion. Yes he can block like a boss but that just isn't a fun ability for me. I evade more than I block anyway.

    Also not a huge fan of Phoenix. She can throw out some incredible damage if used right but she is quite squishy and I don't like the movement of the floating characters personally.

    My 2 cents ;)

    See, that's how I feel. I usually Dodge after 1 or 2 hits in the enemy combo anyway. He's great when you have low health, but I get to that point very rarely, and I already have Wolverine for low-health situations.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,619 ★★★★★
    Phoenix (Sig Level 40) (Enemies with SW, It's Complicated with Wolverine)
    Phoenix. High Prestige, good Synergies, sustainability, does Damage like a beast when Fury builds. The higher the better.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    See, I'm very reluctant to choose Cap. I don't really block often. I just Dodge back after the first hit or so. I mean, he's the best blocking champ in the game, but that's the only thing he's good at. He's mediocre outside of blocking, which isn't what I use.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Anyone else have input?
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Captain America (Sig Level 20) (Enemies with Crossbones, Friends with Wolverine)
    See, I'm very reluctant to choose Cap. I don't really block often. I just Dodge back after the first hit or so. I mean, he's the best blocking champ in the game, but that's the only thing he's good at. He's mediocre outside of blocking, which isn't what I use.

    agree to what you said, but as you progress, youll get to content that you'll have to block certain specials and he can make sure you wont die from blocking damage
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
  • GreatScottGreatScott Member Posts: 107
    Nightcrawler because he frustrates everyone fighting him.
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