Alliance War Matchmaking

With the recent changes to alliance war, I thought matchmaking would be improved but apparently it hasn't. War after war we have been matched with alliances that are 2-3 million rating above us, but in the current alliance war, we're matched with an alliance that almost doubles our rating. This isn't fair for us, we have lost 4 consecutive wars due to poor, unfair and unreasonable matches. The opposing alliances have higher average member ratings and stronger attackers which demolish our defense. Now with alliance war seasons, we have dropped significantly in tiers, to the point where we have lost members because of our war situation. I strongly believe that alliances should be matched according to alliance rating to provide a fair, balanced war. Please @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious look into alliance war matchmaking and see if it can be improved somehow. Look forward to hearing back about this situation. Thank you.
