Map 5 crystal pulls

I know Kabam has addressed this and said that the pulls are random, but...... Prior to v12 I bought the deals they offered constantly, and I got 1 t4c every round of AQ for about 7 or 8 weeks. One week i even got 2 t4c. After the v12 nerf happened, i stopped spending $$, AND GUESS WHAT? I have pulled ZERO t4c. That's 0 in all the AQ that occurred after v12. Coincidence? I think not.
I'm curious to see if you guys noticed the ridiculous drop rate now.
I'm curious to see if you guys noticed the ridiculous drop rate now.
That's still one more than me. lol
Far too many posts have been flagged since the switch to the new site. Product of millennial environment I guess ? If I can't have what I want then no one else can.
One of my alliance members gets 2 a week....its sickening...I hate seeing him post all the cats he gets..
I think it's a mixture of firstly, you can now actually see that people flag posts. It could be that the same amount of posts are being flagged we are just seeing it now. Or secondly, now that you can see it I think people are just using it as a "dislike button"
Flaggged! Okay sure but I'm getting far more map 5 crystals now and I'm playing on 2 accounts. We hit 90m in aq weekly so what's that like 25 map 5 crystals or something ? Then on 2 accounts x what is this week 4 or 5 of season 4?
Get where I'm going with this? And I understand that luck of crystals but seems pretty bad lately. I always had better luck with map 4 crystals though.
Got enough ISO to rank all these champs with the t4cc rolling in like that?