No gold with the offers? Then I pass.

What's the point of buying all these rank up offers when I have no gold? Having a family and job (read: life) I can't play more than 2 hours a day. Most of that is towards aq, aw, and eq. I do alpha, t4b, and hit milestones in two arenas every week. So, anyone that suggests do more arena, not going to happen. I only rank up champs that I'll use (so maybe one champ every 2-3 weeks).
The gold shortage is killing my interest in the game. Why you don't include gold in your offers is baffling to me. Don't be so stingy and you might make a little more money.
The gold shortage is killing my interest in the game. Why you don't include gold in your offers is baffling to me. Don't be so stingy and you might make a little more money.