Trading system, PLEASE!!!

Please make it so that you can trade a # star champion for a # star champion. It is kind of hard to get 4 stars in the game, let alone a 4 star I like. Spider-Man is my favorite character and I only have one 4 star Spider-Man. Now of course, there would be safeguards to make sure people don't rip others off such as: people can see what is being traded, they can give trading options, and/or they can't trade a 1 star for a 6 star, it must be a 4 star for 4 star. I love the game itself, but I don't like the system for getting champions.
No, it would break the game....
Yeh good luck finding someone who would trade 5* Antman with you LOL
not between players, but let us trade catalysts in the shop, in a ratio like 1 of your choice for 2 you dont need
Example: you can't trade a 2* for 5* (obvious reasoning there), they would have to be equal in everything from *'s ranks and maybe even levels.
So, if you had a 5* Ant-Man you hated, and you have him at Rank 3, you can't trade for a Sparky of Rank 1-5. Sparky would also need to be rank 3, and possibly even the same level. This way you can't have two accounts and use one solely to trade to the other, without first having to use the same amount of resources on them.
Then: Alliance sets up a system. "Hey, don't bother r5 Star Lord for LoL, you can use mine. R5 something else thatll help you and we'll trade while you finish." "Hey what about me? Can I use him after?" "Sure!"
I'll trade him my SL for his Antman and $100.
That's easily avoidable: enable a system where once a champ is traded, he is no longer able to be traded. Ever.
That's a weird band-aid, might as well not allow trading in the first place.
One-and-done isn't a bad approach if whiners keep crying. I was giving a doable example and fix to the possible abused-issue you pointed out. I'm not for trading
Player: sure take this god Tier 5* kamala Khan to help u out and I will get that trashy 5* blade off your hands, I have enough god tier to rid one for a trash champ just to help out the noobs
Noob: ok don't know much about the game and the champion s yet so thanks for the help