Kabam, please add more ways to acquireT4CC's.

It takes way too long to acquire T4 Class Catalysts. I end up selling ISO because I don't have any champs I want to level up and I'm waiting around to rank up desired champs. Can't rank up without T4 CC's. I'm getting bored with the game because I'm no longer advancing my champs (not enough T4CC's). Very frustrating.
Within 2 months now, I have 3 skill , 2 tech, 2 mystic, 3 science and 1 each of mutant, cosmic.
Sad part is that I need 3 each of mutant and cosmic.
Solo progression is needed in the game
Solo progression is needed in the game, joining an alliance not growing with that alliance and jumping to a different alliance because you think you can get better rewards is hurting the game.
Having alliances compete to keep good players is better for the game overall. Being able to improve your roster with solo progression will make alliance play stronger and more competitive, right now it’s easier to burnout and quit
I’m hoping Kabam addresses the disproportionate progression scale between solo play and alliance play in the very near future particularly before too many more vets quit
I keep reading "get into map 5" so I'd be happy to see a list of those who will take summoners rocking 4/40's or 2/35's and understand that these guys probably wont have 15+ decent champs at that level to be active in all facets of the game.
Yeah, when people say join a Map 5 Alliance, they are being jerks for the most part because they would be the first people trying to kick the guy with the 4/40s getting destroyed in AW and not clearing paths in AQ.
Not mention the Map 5 crystals full Catalyst drop rate isn’t that great and to get a T4CC crystal from AQ you have to be in a top 300 alliance which means you have to run Map 6 and have a 6k or 7k prestige.
More players need to speak up about solo progression
So true though lol.
All I can say is the additional of Monthly quests has really helped me gain T4CC even though my current alliance doesn't gain a whole T4CC a week or every other week in AQ.
Map 5 does help too. But they are right, you need to have a good enough roster to get in an alliance that can do Map5.
My alliance currently can't accept anyone without 1 r4 5*, and at least 10 r5 4*/r3 5*. (aka all r5 4*/r3 5* attackers and defenders.) We tried accepting less and just kept loosing in AW.
I’m one of the biggest supporters of solo progression but Alliance Play is part of the game, there is no way that a single player should amass the same amount of resources that 30 ppl as a collective earn. Simply put it wouldn’t be fair.
However there should be Mode in the game that is unique to solo players a mode that alliance players can’t access where solo players can earn rewards that will help with progression
But, without wanting to sound like a Kabam apologist, it can be done!
Kabam said they would make these kinds of catalysts more easily accessible; and in the last six months, I've very clearly been accruing more T4CCs more quickly; and I'm now starting to rank up my second set of 5/50 or 3/45 champs (first 3/45 champ will be Magik, when I've next got enough T4Bs).
There are more T4CC shard crystals available in Event quests, and bonus quests like the Stark quests and Black Panther trials; enough for at least the equivalent of one T4CC per month. Every few months there are unit offers for T4CC crystals, and you can grind enough to buy them.
I don't think we need vastly more T4CCs available; but ironically, the only place that Kabam hasn't made it easier to acquire T4 Class and Basic catalysts is the only place you used to be able to get them at all - the Class Catalyst arenas.
If Kabam would just finally update the milestones for those arenas (which haven't changed in the years!) with T4B shards and T4CC shard crystals, solo progression would finally stop being painfully slow; whilst necessarily still being well behind that Alliance players.
Come on Kabam: update the arena rewards. You know it makes sense!