Act 5.2 - Something has to be changed
Member Posts: 30
I would like to touch a topic of Act 5, Chapter 2 to be exact. Most of the Act 5 is a challenging content where you need skill to go through, BUT in Chapter 2 quest 4 and 6 are is just a units grabbing contest, the fight with Collector is ridiculous, it's not based on skill at all, you rev and try to do as much damage as you can before you get annihilated. Quest 4 has a global node of Masochism and I think that's okey but was there really need to put evade champions like Spider-man or add Buffet nodes to Doctor Strange and Magik? No, obviously again this is just so the players trigger their wallets or spend hours farming units to go through something that should be challenging. Now don't get me wrong I am all up for challenging content, I have 100% 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 but when I am to face something that is mostly out of my control and I just pray to spend least units possible I don't think that's how it should work.
I personally think something should be done about it as it is unfair on the players, community should strongly oppose content which is based around something like Collector.
I personally think something should be done about it as it is unfair on the players, community should strongly oppose content which is based around something like Collector.
You don't grasp fairness very good do you
1)4 star duped max-ranked hulk
2)20% attack and health boost
3)20 revives
4)15% attack boost
Also helps to use a boost to increase your damage.
I'm sure there is. I'm also sure whatever compensation you think is fair won't be seen as fair by the majority of the players who have already beaten the Collector.
Not all of them, as collector would still be difficult, just not as ridiculous as it is right now
Grind for units, save up your revives, build up your roster.
Yes I bought revives with units, but becoming uncollected didn't cost me a dime.
I wouldn’t be happy with anything else. The next hardest boss in the game is Ultron in act 5. I completed 4 out of the 6 runs on him without using Loki, I hadn’t found out about that counter at that point. I used no revives on him whatsoever. Collector currently can be taken out using 9 Level 1 revives, possibly less, I would be angry as hell if he was made easier and I got anything less than every revive I used on him
I say this after almost 100%ing act 5.4 before 100%ing 5.2.6.
That being said skill is still involved because my first collector run i used 3 or 4 full team revives and by the time i was on my last run I was doing 5.2.6 paths including collector with 1 or 2 40% single revives at most.
Should it be made easier? No, especially because it can be done with no units. The way a f2p player like myself should view the collector, and all act 5 fights for that matter is that it SHOULD be done overtime.
What i mean by this is that inbetween paths or chapters you should always build up some stash. I.e. week 1 run 3 paths of collector, week 2 run the last few paths with revives saved up from monthly calendar/22hr solo events/uncollected 4hr crystals.
For w.e. reason we always need to complete content 100% IMMEDIATELY when released and then expect there is not repercussions.
I personally learned my lesson with that ice phoenix as I near 100%'d that chapter pre-nerf and even though kabam gave out compensation, I received 0 compensation while having provided immense screenshot evidence of beating him pre-nerf. Being f2p, after that clown fiesta of kabam picking and choosing who to give comp. To, i now am much more patient and at most do only 1 initial run-through upon release.
TLDR; collector shouldn't be easier, does require some skill aspect even though it is primarily a b.s. fight, be patient and complete overtime for max efficiency and fewest units spent.