Fight next opponent button to save time in quests

Hi, here's an idea that should be easy to implement:
In order to save time in quests, add a button at the end of fights to jump straight to the next one, as long as it's on the same path and it doesn't split.
This should save the loading time of going back to the map and loading up the fight screen.
In order to save time in quests, add a button at the end of fights to jump straight to the next one, as long as it's on the same path and it doesn't split.
This should save the loading time of going back to the map and loading up the fight screen.
I'd love the ability to jump straight to the next fight if I could. It makes arena grinding that much better.
In these stupid Modok lab quests, it takes me almost 10 minutes to go through the easy level with only about 30 seconds of actual fighting (with auto-fight).
Click on quest, load, pick team, load, move one node, load, pick attacker, load, 5 second fight, load, move to next node, repeat. Just another reason I hate Modok's lab.