5700 prestige looking for an alliance platinum 3

- 4x 5* R4 champions
- 1 6* champion
- 7x 5* R3 champions
- 19 R5 4* champions
- AQ map 5 and 6
- AW tier 4
- Officer by 2 years with enough knowledge of AW defense placement
-Timezone UTC
-550k rating
-32.7k strongest team
Contact here
- 4x 5* R4 champions
- 1 6* champion
- 7x 5* R3 champions
- 19 R5 4* champions
- AQ map 5 and 6
- AW tier 4
- Officer by 2 years with enough knowledge of AW defense placement
-Timezone UTC
-550k rating
-32.7k strongest team
Contact here
- We do map 5x5 and 56555 bi-weekly
- We placed top 300 in AQ when we do 56555 (a free full T4cc!)
- Name: Betrayed Tendencies
- Gold 1 (100+) in war, close to Platinum 3
- US based alliance with few from Asia and Europe
- Hit me up in Line: kimisgg