Mutagenesis Mastery Suggestion

Overhaul the Mutagenesis mastery away from what it is currently.
Make it a regen and reverse regen mastery. Levels 1-3 regen activates on expiring enemy debuffs and champs own buffs
Level 4-5 activate reverse healing along with abilities from first 3 levels.
The goal is to get people to have to choose where to place points by moving some out of Mystic Dispersion
Make it a regen and reverse regen mastery. Levels 1-3 regen activates on expiring enemy debuffs and champs own buffs
Level 4-5 activate reverse healing along with abilities from first 3 levels.
The goal is to get people to have to choose where to place points by moving some out of Mystic Dispersion
The reverse healing could work by converting the regen buff similar to how Guilly’s debuff works.
Mainly I’m just trying to get people talking about redoing the class masteries because outside of MD they pretty much suck, and they could help make some of the unplayable characters a little more playable thus diversifying Alliance War on both offense and defense
How would the regen reverse change by rank though?
And can kabam actually fix pure skill?
Just wonder, don't get me wrong, I'm not against it, but will the regen and reversal makes regen mutant champs like Wolverine, X23 (less reliable), Old Man, Deadpool classic, etc over-power? Again don't get me wrong, even if so, I still like it, will save me tons of revive and potion if I'm using them to attacking; and on the other hand, if I need to face them, I can still bring heal-block champs (like Vision, Yondu, etc) to deal with them, I guess.
If I understand the changes they made after 12.0, I don’t think pure skill will ever be what it was, but it can be overhauled to do something different
I’d like to see pure skill activate unstoppable for the skill mastery
I think it would come down to how many mastery points does a player want to commit to it. The points have to come out of another mastery.
I cap or a cool down could be added to keep Wolverine from becoming ROL Wolverine but Sabertooth kinda almost already has what I’m talking about.
As you are pointing out there are already counters to it in the game already. Other players may have even better ideas as to what can be done with the mastery.
My thing was to stay with the history of not making the strong until rank 4 and very strong with rank 5 just like MD is. Just something to possibly change how people approach the game.