Streamlining Profile Management

Hey guys, I keep having these issues that seem really clunky and cost a lot of my personal time to manage and there are some very easy fixes that would expedite what I think is probably the worst aspect of this game: Managing your junk.
First off in regards to selling items: How about allowing us to sell directly from our stashes so that we don't have to make room in our inventory to claim an item we don't even want? This doesn't seem like a hard thing to program in, though granted I am not a programmer and maybe it is a horribly complicated thing, but I think that even if it is, I would argue it is well worth investing the time to save players a whole lot more. Why? Because if you are part of an alliance you probably are familiar with Summoner Advancement events, and the virtual requirement of stockpiling crystals and ISO-8 to score big at the right time so you and your buddies can get ahead. The problem with this event is it literally creates an issue of having to dump over an hour potentially into simply selling off garbage ISO-8 to manage your funds and optimally level your heroes since -shocker- gold can be hard to get in this game.
Secondly, with regards to getting and keeping items: Have a filtration system for your stash. This could be tied to Idea 1, or independent, but I think it is just as useful. Essentially provide a checklist of items you can collect and use which you can select individual items from that will be automatically sold for their gold value upon receipt. I say this as a later game player who is tired of getting items they never use, and being forced to manage them. Include modifiers like "if items is at max capacity, sell all in excess" as a sub-setting in item filtration. Add options on an item by item basis as they become more available to your level, so say you hit summoner lvl 25, you probably are going to want to stop wasting your time and gold on using those crummy 75 value ISO-8 wads, so just open your stash filter, select that item on the list, and bam, don't think about them again. This may also be complex, but I want to reiterate that this is definitely one of the worst things about this game, as I am reminded every time I open 60+ free crystals and have 30 extra bottom tier healing orbs.
Lastly, in regards to asking for help: This is a smaller suggestion, but one I think a lot of people could appreciate. When we compete in arena events, there is always a growing list of heroes we can ask our alliance for help with regenerating energy for. Usually we just ask for help with each of them which requires, I assume, server communication, as there is always a second or two delay as the game processes the request. Great, that wasn't too bad, except that I have to do it for every one of these dudes after every series as I feverishly try to push up my point score for rewards. Is there a good reason why there is no mass help feature so we could just fight our fights and when all is said and done lump all those litter server transactions per character into one batch and process them simultaneously? I'm not saying anything has to be removed, it is clearly good to be able to ask for help if we only have a few characters recovering, but when you have 30 lined up that is a long and tiedious process to manage for no good reason.
I'm not sure how many other people have though of or suggested these things, but these solutions could do a lot to make the game more enjoyable by keeping it about the teamwork, the fighting, and the pursuit of characters, not the weird and cumbersome management aspects that can sometimes take over your experience.
Thanks for reading.
First off in regards to selling items: How about allowing us to sell directly from our stashes so that we don't have to make room in our inventory to claim an item we don't even want? This doesn't seem like a hard thing to program in, though granted I am not a programmer and maybe it is a horribly complicated thing, but I think that even if it is, I would argue it is well worth investing the time to save players a whole lot more. Why? Because if you are part of an alliance you probably are familiar with Summoner Advancement events, and the virtual requirement of stockpiling crystals and ISO-8 to score big at the right time so you and your buddies can get ahead. The problem with this event is it literally creates an issue of having to dump over an hour potentially into simply selling off garbage ISO-8 to manage your funds and optimally level your heroes since -shocker- gold can be hard to get in this game.
Secondly, with regards to getting and keeping items: Have a filtration system for your stash. This could be tied to Idea 1, or independent, but I think it is just as useful. Essentially provide a checklist of items you can collect and use which you can select individual items from that will be automatically sold for their gold value upon receipt. I say this as a later game player who is tired of getting items they never use, and being forced to manage them. Include modifiers like "if items is at max capacity, sell all in excess" as a sub-setting in item filtration. Add options on an item by item basis as they become more available to your level, so say you hit summoner lvl 25, you probably are going to want to stop wasting your time and gold on using those crummy 75 value ISO-8 wads, so just open your stash filter, select that item on the list, and bam, don't think about them again. This may also be complex, but I want to reiterate that this is definitely one of the worst things about this game, as I am reminded every time I open 60+ free crystals and have 30 extra bottom tier healing orbs.
Lastly, in regards to asking for help: This is a smaller suggestion, but one I think a lot of people could appreciate. When we compete in arena events, there is always a growing list of heroes we can ask our alliance for help with regenerating energy for. Usually we just ask for help with each of them which requires, I assume, server communication, as there is always a second or two delay as the game processes the request. Great, that wasn't too bad, except that I have to do it for every one of these dudes after every series as I feverishly try to push up my point score for rewards. Is there a good reason why there is no mass help feature so we could just fight our fights and when all is said and done lump all those litter server transactions per character into one batch and process them simultaneously? I'm not saying anything has to be removed, it is clearly good to be able to ask for help if we only have a few characters recovering, but when you have 30 lined up that is a long and tiedious process to manage for no good reason.
I'm not sure how many other people have though of or suggested these things, but these solutions could do a lot to make the game more enjoyable by keeping it about the teamwork, the fighting, and the pursuit of characters, not the weird and cumbersome management aspects that can sometimes take over your experience.
Thanks for reading.