New content needed

I would like to see some new content introduced that’s hard and challenging. Preferably another labyrinth. I think we have waited long enough as it’s been around 1-1.5 years since we saw the original LOL being released. Alot has changed in the contest, and t5b aswell as t5cc is something we can look forward to soon for our 6* champs.
I believe with the current state of the game it would make sense to release a new game mode with that level of difficulty. So the spenders can have something to look forward to. We are seeing nonspenders with increadible rosters, and it’s making spend less.
Another LOL or gamemode which incentives spending would be great or even a very skill based gamemode would be nice. I enjoy the bossrush «challenges». But it takes me 6-8 minutes to do.
Uncollected was a fun new difficulty which was great. But its time to take it to the next level.
I hope we can have a discussion and provide some constructive feedback to kabam. Thanks
I believe with the current state of the game it would make sense to release a new game mode with that level of difficulty. So the spenders can have something to look forward to. We are seeing nonspenders with increadible rosters, and it’s making spend less.
Another LOL or gamemode which incentives spending would be great or even a very skill based gamemode would be nice. I enjoy the bossrush «challenges». But it takes me 6-8 minutes to do.
Uncollected was a fun new difficulty which was great. But its time to take it to the next level.
I hope we can have a discussion and provide some constructive feedback to kabam. Thanks
My alliance is in the upper parts of master. so yeah, I do find war the hardest. I have everything else in the game completed. Now I just want something else to do.
not to be redundant, but where do you think the $$$ comes from to fix the problems for the 99% (which is a total exaggeration).
Disagree, new content comes out monthly with quests and even all these side quests. Not sure what other "new content" would be needed.
For players who only have monthly quests to look forward to, its a lot of rinse and repeat. I probably wouldn't attempt it right away, but another Lol-style challenge is due, probably later this year.
You can always keep running LOL for fun
You want to pay for my runs? lol
So where do you think it comes from? Do you have Kabam revenue stream projections? If not, it’s just a guessing game and common sense told me $$$ mostly comes from new characters, which is why there are new champs coming out every months. Other sources of $$$ probably come from AW, AQ or new players trying to get better. Veterans who has done everything probably don’t need to spend much on new contents. Well, I know many finishing Act 5 with 0 spent, and 100% Lol with units saved from arena grinding. On the other hand, new players are motivated to improve their roster, thus they spend. The question is who want to spend on a broken game, lol?
Day after “New content needed”
Really? 😂
Have you seen the SA numbers from some people? I have seen scores that could put a single player in the top rankings of SA when a champ comes out for the first time. I have seen people with insane powerful profiles purely because they buy crystals or pay to complete content. How much money do you think fell into Kabam's lap when people decided to use Electro against Wolvie in RoL to be the first ones done with it? How much money do you think was spent to finish LoL when it first came out? You ask me if I have seen Kabam's revenue stream projections, yet you also assume new players spend to progress.
How about the legend scoreboard where some people drop an Odin per month purely for a legend run. Not first timers either, but people who do a legend run for every event.
I'm not saying all 1% are spenders, or all 99% arent spenders. Theres a mix in both groups. but those that tend to drop thousands per month are in the top tier of players.
He said hard content too.. sorry but uncollected and boss rush yawn.
I said “probably” and “I guess” because I don’t know for sure. But if Kabam operates as an usual business, then the 80:20 rule should apply for them, too. And how many of the 20% who bring in 80% of revenue have completed everything? Well, you said 1%, so the other 19% don’t need new contents other than monthy quest. They need a stable game without these nonsense bugs and issues.
Again, I’m not opposed to new contents. But they should know where their priority are.
1% in reference to your 99%. I wasn't going to speculate those numbers because I don't know those numbers offhand, but here we are. I would probably agree with your 80:20 assessment, and would probably guess 10-15% total have all content completed. If we say 10%, thats still 40% of their revenue ready to spend on more content.
However, I do know that new content brings in more money for them in waves. They can only do it so much with waves of new champs. Now if they created new content that new champs would be required for... well...
Hard and Challenging content sorted ;-)
My number is 0.01% if you read carefully. There is no way 10-15% has all contents completed. Even in platinum alliance, half of the members have done it at best. In my current alliance (top 200 of gold 1 bracket), none has all completed and only a few are Elders Bane.
Having said that, it’s all about $$$ for Kabam, so when it comes, it comes.
You also said 99% so excuse me for using 1% based off that. From 400 in gold 1, we have 25% working on exploring LoL after a first pass, another 50% done or finishing up act 5, and the rest catching up with rosters hoping for the right pull to help them.
I'll also throw in that theyve been very clear their content development and their bug support teams are different departments. Theyre supposed to be doing both simultaneously.
Misses the point of working diligently over years to accrue a roster and develop skills to beat all the existing content. He's not sticking a quarter into Ms Pac-man and running it with his eyes closed. It'll all end at some point, but until then OP can ask, as he's earned that right.
So you said “25% working on LoL, 50% done or finishing up Act 5”, meaning none has it done 100% of content. My point is proven then.
I didn't claim to be in the 10-15%. Nor did I say anyone in my alliance was in the 10-15%. I know people in alliances ahead of mine who havent completed it, and I know people in lower alliances who have completed it.
A cool workaround to this is how they use the souls and stuff for the newer characters. Build in something like the enrage timer that shortens based on the amount of deaths you have against that champion
Out of curiosity if you’re paging through LOL what makes you want something harder than it?
Either I'm reading your comment wrong or you completely missed the point I was making..
The OP hasn't earned the right to ask, as there's a Suggestion section open to the whole community anyone can ask or suggest anything..
Clearly the OP has a high level of skill at the game (and a wallet ready to explode by the sounds of it lol) What the OP HAS EARNED is the right to make the game as hard and challenging as they choose to..
Monthly EQ is new content if the OP wishes to make it hard and challenging he can run it with 2*s (to hard) then 3*s (So on ect) Setting their own difficulty is the right the OP earned..
The problem with Kabam releasing harder content is what we see now
The forum flooded with posts 45% say it was too hard 25% say it was too easy and 30% happy with it (percentage is just opinion based on the posts I've seen I do not claim them to be accurate in anyway)
In that case, maybe you finish all game contents first before we start another conversation about new contents.