Community Boss Rush challenge - Toughest Fight?

Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
edited March 2018 in General Discussion
Who did you find to be the toughest fight in the community boss rush challenge?

Community Boss Rush challenge - Toughest Fight? 96 votes

Stark Spiderman (c/o Havok Mastermarvel)
Rocket Racoon (c/o Brian Grant)
DrOctavius2_2TheMageHunterSpiritOfVengeanceJJGarifin74 5 votes
Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
GarryDKTendersquadNikoBravosupergokuCboggie44AKTEKPizzabeatTropical_ChrisKabam_Reuben 9 votes
Antman (c/o YeetOS)
Jing_Yik2017Nemesis666Hulk_Smells 3 votes
Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
DNA3000NinjAlan2StarKingMaat1985Dexman1349buffajrAfridUkgenieBuckeyeKPEmil_LimsonUC439AwesomeKyloRenAyushk12Isman1998Leepower12GreenstrokeNOOOOOOOOPEEEEECodornasvinniegainzimnoone 30 votes
Iceman (c/o Dorky Diggedy Dave)
Neroa65MattyloVdh2008WolfeAlex_sc11tutyimutyiGolden_GuardianAlfa_PigeonHaji_Saabsfu_koraxgr3nd3lmum_m2dangerbluWrongHeroBoltsyAnurag1606Katy_CandyCatherineTwittwitBuster 49 votes


  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2018
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    I know there's a lot of talk out there regarding Dave's Iceman, but personally for me, I find the Deus' Mephisto fight far harder. I probably had to fight him 50x while it only took me two tries on Dave's Iceman.

    Deus' Mephisto
    In the previous boss rush challenge, I used my 4* 4/40 iceman against Mephisto. This time, with Tyranny, I find the game to be a very long fight (note: i dont have suicide so my iceman doesnt hit hard). And sooner or later, I'd slip up and die.

    I went through my roster using different champs like doc ock, kingpin, x23, mordo, hood, etc.... till I settled on gwenpool. With enough combo, the number of aura of incineration reduced (but not totally off even at 50+ combo).

    Havok's Stark, Brian's Rocket, and YeetOS'es Antman
    Havok's Stark Spiderman, Brian's Rocket Racoon, and YeetOS'es Antman, I took out why my Hyperion.

    Jade Sura's Venom
    Jade Sura's Venom was probably my #2 most difficult fight. I used Voodoo against Venom but he couldnt quite finish the job because of starburst. So I had to finish the job with my Hood.

    My Hood was only there too boost my Kingpins' debuff-to-rage via synergy. So might was well use him to finish Venom :smile:

    Dave's Iceman
    Then with Dave's Iceman, I fought him twice with my Kinpin (and yes, my Kingpin is a 4* 5/50 because I learned from Ice Phoenix that I needed a counter to coldsnap :smile: ). The first fight, I screwed up and missed an evade on his SP1 and that killed me. With the second fight, I turned off netflix and focused on the fight and took him down without getting hit :smile: In both instances, the initial coldsnap was converted to rage. And the other advantage of Kingpin for that fight is that his Black ISO is neither bleed nor poison. It's more like degen which means iceman is not immune to it :smile:

    Anyway, that's my experience. I wonder what's yours? :smile:
  • AwesomeKyloRenAwesomeKyloRen Member Posts: 76
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    Really? I fought mephisto very easily with quake, she shreds him. Hardest fight for me would eb either venom or iceman. I am leaning to venom more, since ice-man i died a lot because i mistimed my parries. If i played witha bit more attention, i would get him down easily. Jade's Venom however had Starburst, and I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE Starburst. Felt good after finishing it. Voodoo helped a lot after venom was down halfway as the beginning regen overpowered the starburst degen. Had to use 2 team 2 revives, and 2 level 2 revives. Not that bad, and definitely easier than last boss rush. I really liked it!
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    I one shotted iceman and two shotted mephisto. I died the most to venom because he's so aggressive lol(stun immune doesn't help either)
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  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    edited March 2018
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Really? I fought mephisto very easily with quake, she shreds him. Hardest fight for me would eb either venom or iceman. I am leaning to venom more, since ice-man i died a lot because i mistimed my parries. If i played witha bit more attention, i would get him down easily. Jade's Venom however had Starburst, and I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE Starburst. Felt good after finishing it. Voodoo helped a lot after venom was down halfway as the beginning regen overpowered the starburst degen. Had to use 2 team 2 revives, and 2 level 2 revives. Not that bad, and definitely easier than last boss rush. I really liked it!

    Yeah, Quake is awesome against Mephisto... if you know how to use her :smiley:

    Im a quake noob and i still need more practice :smiley: i’ll definitely practice more now before the next challenge :smiley:

    And yeah, starburst is a PITA! I still have no counter for it :disappointed:
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Cats73 wrote: »
    I one shotted iceman and two shotted mephisto. I died the most to venom because he's so aggressive lol(stun immune doesn't help either)
    Cats73 wrote: »
    I one shotted iceman and two shotted mephisto. I died the most to venom because he's so aggressive lol(stun immune doesn't help either)

    Did you use any special champ? :smile:

  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura) caught me lol
    Used 2/35 iceman for mephisto and got him down to 30%, then i realized i had blade 4/40 and destroyed him
    I used 5/50 spark for iceman
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    it should be call content creators challenge and all of them are cheap shots
    Does making a challenge an actual challenge make those people cheap shots?
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    it should be call content creators challenge and all of them are cheap shots

    Cheap shots at what? :smile:

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  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Cats73 wrote: » caught me lol
    Used 2/35 iceman for mephisto and got him down to 30%, then i realized i had blade 4/40 and destroyed him
    I used 5/50 spark for iceman

    I tried with my blade (without starky becuase i dont have him) and i couldnt turn off Mephisto’s Aura frequent enough :smile: ...or maybe i just had bad RNG :smiley:
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    Cats73 wrote: »
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    it should be call content creators challenge and all of them are cheap shots
    Does making a challenge an actual challenge make those people cheap shots?

    yes it does
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    it should be call content creators challenge and all of them are cheap shots

    Cheap shots at what? :smile:

    for how they setup the champion they picked.

    I still dont get it :smile: but I undestand, you just want to rant and not discuss :smiley: noted :wink:
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    Cats73 wrote: »
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    it should be call content creators challenge and all of them are cheap shots
    Does making a challenge an actual challenge make those people cheap shots?

    yes it does

    Just...what? That doesn't make them cowardly in any way lol.
    @Tropical_Chris I got hit with the aura as well at times, when it activates just back away as normal.
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Cats73 wrote: »
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    Cats73 wrote: »
    Foxhero007 wrote: »
    it should be call content creators challenge and all of them are cheap shots
    Does making a challenge an actual challenge make those people cheap shots?

    yes it does

    Just...what? That doesn't make them cowardly in any way lol.
    @Tropical_Chris I got hit with the aura as well at times, when it activates just back away as normal.

    Oh... so it doesnt completely shuts it down? :smile:

    And i just realised I have a 3* starky :smiley:
    I might try that again just to see how less frequent it would with and without starky :smiley: thanks!
  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    I used blade for both mephisto and venom. He had the GR synergy. He couldn't completely counter aura of incineration but he absolutely countered the degeneration debuff from venom fight. I have gotten to iceman thrice and still didn't beat him. The challenge had been forfeited. Better luck for me next time.
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    No problem! It reduces the chance the aura activates, but it doesn't shut it down. The increased damage also helps to finish the fight quicker, and he can also decrease the chance of the regen!
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    I used blade for both mephisto and venom. He had the GR synergy. He couldn't completely counter aura of incineration but he absolutely countered the degeneration debuff from venom fight. I have gotten to iceman thrice and still didn't beat him. The challenge had been forfeited. Better luck for me next time.

    So I guess your vote is for iceman? :smile:

    Wow. Blade shutdown Starburst? Did you have starky as well? :smile:

    Well, we still have time to go through the boss challenge :smile: I used a shrugget but i think a regen champ should be able to do it as well right? :smile:

  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    edited March 2018
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    Regen champs will do fine again starburst and Iceman. I used my undupped blade against venom as well lol
  • GreenstrokeGreenstroke Member Posts: 291
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    Flied through Mephisto with Rulk(4* r5), that tyranny node meant s##t.

    But Venom, damn. I hate to fight him even normally, fast move set, L2 gets me quite often, but with that stun immunity and starburst it was even more hateful than normally.

    And ultron(5* r4) sliced iceman easily
  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    I used blade for both mephisto and venom. He had the GR synergy. He couldn't completely counter aura of incineration but he absolutely countered the degeneration debuff from venom fight. I have gotten to iceman thrice and still didn't beat him. The challenge had been forfeited. Better luck for me next time.

    So I guess your vote is for iceman? :smile:

    Wow. Blade shutdown Starburst? Did you have starky as well? :smile:

    Well, we still have time to go through the boss challenge :smile: I used a shrugget but i think a regen champ should be able to do it as well right? :smile:

    I didn't have the sparky synergy. Danger sense kicked out the starburst debuff
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Cats73 wrote: »
    Regen champs will do fine again starburst and Iceman. I used my undupped blade against venom as well lol

    Did danger sense turn off starburst for you as well? :smile:
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    I used blade for both mephisto and venom. He had the GR synergy. He couldn't completely counter aura of incineration but he absolutely countered the degeneration debuff from venom fight. I have gotten to iceman thrice and still didn't beat him. The challenge had been forfeited. Better luck for me next time.

    So I guess your vote is for iceman? :smile:

    Wow. Blade shutdown Starburst? Did you have starky as well? :smile:

    Well, we still have time to go through the boss challenge :smile: I used a shrugget but i think a regen champ should be able to do it as well right? :smile:

    I didn't have the sparky synergy. Danger sense kicked out the starburst debuff

    Cool. I'll probably try that out! :smiley: thanks!
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Flied through Mephisto with Rulk(4* r5), that tyranny node meant s##t.

    But Venom, damn. I hate to fight him even normally, fast move set, L2 gets me quite often, but with that stun immunity and starburst it was even more hateful than normally.

    And ultron(5* r4) sliced iceman easily

    Glad to know about Rulk and Ultron. And alliancemate hasn't finished this boss challenge yet and he has both of those champs :smile: ..not on the same star and rank though but maybe it'll be enough :smile:
  • Jing_Yik2017Jing_Yik2017 Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2018
    Antman (c/o YeetOS)
    One shot all of them except Antman, Venom & Iceman (rogue, then Magik, the rest).

    Doesn't like antman due to he keep glancing, and he kill two of my champs.

    Used 5* Ws on Stark Spidey, RR, used red hulk on Mephisto, then WS just died while fighting Antman, revive and continue dying.....then use red hulk to finish him.

    Iceman and Magik on Venom, does not like the starburst.....

    Then Rogue and Magik on Iceman.

    I think I used 2 l2 revive and about 7-8 l2 pots.
  • supergokusupergoku Member Posts: 41
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    I think all is easy fight... I only use 3 single revive . and potion from daily uncollected crystal... I dont know maybe I have strong team
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Venom (c/o Jade Sura)
    He turned it off as well.
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Iceman (c/o Dorky Diggedy Dave)
    Venom was able to be shut off with danger sense along with Mephisto. Iceman was quite tricky to fight due to Cold snap.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Rocket Racoon (c/o Brian Grant)
    Such a hard fight BG you betrayed us :'(:'(
  • Tropical_ChrisTropical_Chris Member Posts: 137
    Mephsito (c/o Deus Wolfe)
    Cats73 wrote: »
    He turned it off as well.

    Cool! Would definitely gonna try that out :smiley: thanks! :smiley:
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Is “Who cares” a valid response? If not, it should be
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