Bishop is changed since update

Since I updated today my 4-star Bishop can not block in time after doing a MLLLM combo on ROL WS. When I use a combo that ends in a Light attack he can get back to a block without getting hit but never with a Medium attack. He feels like he is all out of sync or balance. Can you please fix this ASAP. I just ranked him up and now he isn't even useful


  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    Yep, can confirm, his medium is broken and has too much endlag-enemies can now hit Bishop for free if he ends with a medium attack.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    I’m glad I saw this, even though I started a thread.

    Please fix ASAP. I ranked him up, and would either like a fix or my catalysts back.
  • ShangattayShangattay Member Posts: 50
    My experience is the same. I just got a 6* Bishop, and I’m very happy about that - but I would be even happier if I could finish a combo without getting beaten up.
  • SammichSammich Member Posts: 8
    I’m glad to see I’m not the only one, though the response to my support ticket says no one else is having issues. Would be nice to hear from kabam here to know if this is even getting looked at.
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