Can we have permanent fix for Act5 C3 gates system? for the people who 100% it at least!!

It should not reappear after you 100% the map, but they are!! even though I 100% the whole act!!
I want to farm in those maps with my remaining energy, and in order to refresh the map, I have to do any path, and guess what happens next? the gates reappear LOOKED again!! without any keys to get them open, and the only way to unlock them is to contact support, and all what they can do is send you the keys to open those gates, and after you unlock them and try to run the map again, same s*** all over again!!!! really frustrating
please fix this!!!
I want to farm in those maps with my remaining energy, and in order to refresh the map, I have to do any path, and guess what happens next? the gates reappear LOOKED again!! without any keys to get them open, and the only way to unlock them is to contact support, and all what they can do is send you the keys to open those gates, and after you unlock them and try to run the map again, same s*** all over again!!!! really frustrating
please fix this!!!
please send this to developers
I know that, but this is a dumb fix to solve it for one run only! next run you will try to do it, the gates will appear again !
Oh I agree, just trying to convey a workaround for the time being while we keep complaining on forums
I also have 100% act 5 and mentioned this in another post a while ago, but I haven’t tried
I tried, you can't
still waiting for Kabam response tho!!
any word from administrators???
and here is a suggestion to how to fix this.
give everyone who 100% the chapter a key similar to LOL key from completing RtLOL, and that key will be a main key that bypass all gates in 5.3, problem solved