4.7mil alliance recruiting,rebuilding, the architech is looking 4 new heavy hitters.
HELLO EVERYONE MY NAME IS MARTIN MY GAME MCOC ID IS :Tinshammer ..........Ok so we had 30plyrs but we had to kick about 10 that were holding us down, about us we re fun hopefully just like every other team out there but i tell you what makes us different here the good players never leave this team has had loyal players since day one isssh, doesnt mean they wont get the boot if they slack, What we need is experienced players ready to make a change , help others and we do promote when we see potentials leaders, it's simple to join stay active, play AQ, WARS. AND TEAM EVENTS. We have LINE APP but it's not required we it or long long messages, we communicate just fine in the game, there's a reason MCOC gave us a small chat window so we can play not super chat, by you joinin of the long typing come join us and make a difference. by you joining it will help us grow to a bigger rating but it's not about the rating it's more about our strenght. Again y id is tinshammer request me in the game appp since i won't check this on the daily basis, so yeah request me to ad you or just come nad join us, GOODLUCK WITH WHATEVER TEAM YOU PICK.