Magik Limbo Fix.

So an easy way to 'nerf' Magik's limbo without taking much off her would be making her limbo like ultron's regen, When stunned, she loses her limbo. That way it doesn't affect her ability THAT much and also enables us players to control that unavoidable damage of hers without even getting hit or anything.
Also, the dexterity mastery needs to be changed, either it shouldn't count as a buff or it shouldn't reapply every time when you dodge multiple times (to bait specials or evade). Another way is to take the crit boost away from first level of mastery and add it to later levels. As of now, it makes MD too OP.
Also, the dexterity mastery needs to be changed, either it shouldn't count as a buff or it shouldn't reapply every time when you dodge multiple times (to bait specials or evade). Another way is to take the crit boost away from first level of mastery and add it to later levels. As of now, it makes MD too OP.
Nebula, Ultron and Howard lose regen when they are stunned due to the fact that they are robots. Magik limbo is a spiritual force and doesn't have to do with any tecnology (in other words, limbo would still be activated even while stunned)
I heard another suggestion mentioning that Magik should have 2 kinds of limbo, one defensive and one offensive, which I feel makes more sense than this suggestion (no hard feelings aight?). The offensive Limbo is triggered if she gains a bar of power by hitting the opponent, and will damage us while rewinding the damage when it ends. The defensive Limbo triggers if she gains a power through getting hit (or by other sources like MD), and will not damage us, but rewind the damage when it ends.
Yeah that does make more sense actually, good stuff.
Also, maybe limbo doesn't activate without any physical contact (sounds wrong i know lol)
That way, with Bleed, poison, MD etc she won't get her limbo procs.
Biased though. My R3 is my top champ