Looking for very active alliance

have a current roster of 5 4/40 4stars and 3 others at 3/30.
I contribute weekly to 3 day events Item Use 2-4k and 3 day event Completion 15k+ and about 10k+ in Arena Or Perfect Series.
I do AQ 100% and go as far as possible in AW, usually to the boss
Let me know if your alliance is as active as this if not don’t bother.
Ign: gerson24_8
Line ID: potatomailman7654321
I contribute weekly to 3 day events Item Use 2-4k and 3 day event Completion 15k+ and about 10k+ in Arena Or Perfect Series.
I do AQ 100% and go as far as possible in AW, usually to the boss
Let me know if your alliance is as active as this if not don’t bother.
Ign: gerson24_8
Line ID: potatomailman7654321
Lol umm... What you described is kinda like the minimum to even be an alliance. If an alliance doesn't do that then they're just a group of dudes playing with little dudes in spandex on a mobile game 😂
Alliance is Prois
In game ID is Bullman76