Captain Marvel's SP2 - Still dodgy as hell

I really didn't want to have to bring it up again. Yet here we are...
CM's L2 is still very unreliable at best. If it connects, it's nice, but it's an extreme hit and miss still.
And I can't say I'm pleased.
After this closing statement (which to me had quite the annoyed undertone to it) I thought something was happening:

Well.. 17.2 came, had no mention of a fix anywhere in the notes and indeed... The issue is still there.
Sooo.. When can we expect to make better use of CM than just blindly pummeling opponents without specials?
Don't get me wrong, still love my CM. Just would like to love her in more than a 'friendzone' way so to say..
CM's L2 is still very unreliable at best. If it connects, it's nice, but it's an extreme hit and miss still.
And I can't say I'm pleased.
After this closing statement (which to me had quite the annoyed undertone to it) I thought something was happening:

Well.. 17.2 came, had no mention of a fix anywhere in the notes and indeed... The issue is still there.
Sooo.. When can we expect to make better use of CM than just blindly pummeling opponents without specials?
Don't get me wrong, still love my CM. Just would like to love her in more than a 'friendzone' way so to say..
Like the #bermudatriangleconspiracy
If that were the case, just how sweet and cuddly should a question be?
First, praise them for being one of the best software dev in the world, if not in the Universe.
Next, say kudos to them for working tirelessly and putting lots of effort to validate to ensure highest quality.
Then, mention about how you understand why it took them so long, bcos it is not only a tough fix, but they want to ensure the fix will not cause any undesired side effects to everything else.
And after that, tell them you can understand why even upon v17.2, it is still not fully deployed, as there could be some complications or for some reasons they cannot share, but you trust they are fully on top of the matter.
Then let them know you have alot of faith in them, and you'll continue to support them by spending on the game and by introducing this game to your families, friends, co-workers, neighbours, pets, birds, pokemons, mice and pests.
And lastly, ask them with all the love in the world, if they believe this may have a good chance of being released by v17.3?
All funny bits aside though, it's been long brewing and some update would be nice. Did they do a fix, but never mentioned and it failed, did it get postponed (again), are tehy reworking what they thought would be the fix?
I'm well aware with backlog items moving into and out of whatever agile cycle is being used at the behest of whatever product owner sits on said backlog, but *some* information would be appreciated. Not a 'let's kill it dead' thread-ender, but some proper information.
So, please, do enlighten us. Even if it's a small candle struggling against a draft..
Word,I ranked my cap marvel to r4 as a 4*,as she was my first 4*
If this issue isn't getting fixed,Im'ma regret it so much,I might get damned already.
I have a theory, a huge octopus eats everyone. Then they ate the ships so there’s no evidence! What’s your theory?
Megalodons exist,is my theory.
And please,Back on topic.
I could go now and on,But not here,lol.
Yes, she’s In my top favorite champs, 1. Beast 2. Yellowjacket 3. Drax 4. Captain/Ms marvel 5. Agent venom
But if it did...
Oh boy,
The crit is real.
My unduped 4/40,with no major attack enhancing masteries,got an 8k sp2,with crits on both hits.
Her L2 however, I have been playing with since patch, and the only sure way to have it connect is playing against an AI, then parrying and immediately shooitng it off. Guess how often that happens? She hits like a truck, most of the AI is down before you get to L2..
Against other players' characters however, even that tends to be futile as near everyone has masteries to reduce stun times. So by the time your finger gets to the execution of an L2, they're about done being stunned and... they block you.
AI in Uncollected also always blocks it. Always .No matter the timing, they block all but the occasional parry-L2.
I'm gonna go and say she wasn't fixed at all. So, please, and I have asked this in in the past, tweak her L2, change the animation, do something to make her work. As others stated, part of the 'skill' in using CM now involves actively avoiding using her 2nd special because chances are you get pummeled right after...
I like my Mohawk'd thumping machine. Please, fix her..