11m, Gold2 Season1 (Gold1 Season2 aim), looking for 1-2, 4900+ Prestige

- 11m Alliance, looking for 1-2 replacements w/ 4900+ Prestige
- AQ 5x5 (currently finishing about 110m for the week)
- AW Season1 Gold2 #325. We merged after Season1 already started, missed points from first week of wars. Making a push into Gold1 Season2.
- Weekly donations 135k Gold / 30k BC / 12,500 Loyalty
- No even minimums. However, we always finish Completion / Duels / Item Use 100%
- Line app reqd
Add me IN GAME if you are interested in joining. My id is "Greek Beek" in game. Alliance is [P.Cs4]
- AQ 5x5 (currently finishing about 110m for the week)
- AW Season1 Gold2 #325. We merged after Season1 already started, missed points from first week of wars. Making a push into Gold1 Season2.
- Weekly donations 135k Gold / 30k BC / 12,500 Loyalty
- No even minimums. However, we always finish Completion / Duels / Item Use 100%
- Line app reqd
Add me IN GAME if you are interested in joining. My id is "Greek Beek" in game. Alliance is [P.Cs4]