4* Featured vs 5* Featured point values for 5*

This most recent Sabretooth 5* Featured, I ran it to clear all milestones as a proof of concept for myself and how much time it would take with my roster. In the process, I noticed a significant difference in the amount of points I would get for my 5* champs compared to when I would run the Cata Arenas or the 4* Featured. (The points for 4*'s seemed unaffected)
All values below were in the infinite streak range, so with the x3 multiplier:
5* Featured
r4 5* were getting ~30k per fight
r2 5* were getting ~25k per fight
r1 5* were getting ~22k per fight
4* Featured & Catalyst
r4 5* were getting ~25k per fight
r2 5* were getting ~20k per fight
r1 5* were getting ~18k per fight
Now, this was my first and only time doing the 5* featured, but I cleared the 12mil milestones in just under 300 rounds, and I got the same amount every time, it wasn't just a fluke of a match or two.
So, why is there such a significant point discrepancy between the 5* Featured and other arenas that allow the use of 5*?
All values below were in the infinite streak range, so with the x3 multiplier:
5* Featured
r4 5* were getting ~30k per fight
r2 5* were getting ~25k per fight
r1 5* were getting ~22k per fight
4* Featured & Catalyst
r4 5* were getting ~25k per fight
r2 5* were getting ~20k per fight
r1 5* were getting ~18k per fight
Now, this was my first and only time doing the 5* featured, but I cleared the 12mil milestones in just under 300 rounds, and I got the same amount every time, it wasn't just a fluke of a match or two.
So, why is there such a significant point discrepancy between the 5* Featured and other arenas that allow the use of 5*?