Whould you like to see Deadpool Xforce getting buffed?

I feel like kabam should buff Deadpool Xforce cause he's the only Deadpool for free to play guys and he's been ignored the most probably. Now that LK got buffed I think Deadpool Xforce should get buffed too
Here's the thing. Deadpool is basically a top tier ninja. He should be evading stuff like crazy, have ability reduction, possibly true strike, that type of thing. That's where his skill set should be in. And while the ongoing bleed on the dupe is nice, it has nothing to do with who deadpool is. He needs a total redesign.
Like you he's my only 6*
You're right, just because he's the Xforce varient doesn't mean he should not have Regen, and only things he have are power gain(this thing in not even necessary) and bleed, that's pathetic
Exactly what I was thinking.