Looking for an alliance

We need 2 spot
Friend prestige 5810
My prestige is 6620
Looking for an war focused.at least tier 3
If anyone interested then add me in line
Id (deyonder93)


  • dfresh81dfresh81 Member Posts: 49
    Can't find you on line hit me up gold1 ally dfresh81 on line and in game
  • tcskyline_04tcskyline_04 Member Posts: 28
    Come hit us up
    Mds-1. Add RobKids in game. Maestros death squad
  • tcskyline_04tcskyline_04 Member Posts: 28
    Or add ne on line. tcskyline04
  • NYY2728NYY2728 Member Posts: 27
    What’s up are you still looking for an alliance. I tried your line ID but was unable to find you. PM me in line nyy2728 or Clan HQ NYY 27-28. Alliance tag SaSqu.
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