T4cc arena - Outdated rewards

Alright, just wanted to put down what I think of the catalyst clash arenas, more specifically, the T4cc one.
I feel the T4cc arena's rewards are incredibly outdated, both the prize pool and the rewards themselves. Let's look at the rewards first. The final milestone contains an ascendant crystal, which commonly gives ISO with a rare chance at T1a, T4B and T4cc catalysts. I mean, I'm fine with the T1a, T4B and T4cc being in there of course, but ISO-8, really? Who would grind 1.5m just to get ISO? I feel that these should either be removed from the crystal, or better yet, replace it with T4B/cc fragments in its drop table. Those would actually be way more useful than ISO.
That's just the milestone rewards, the rank rewards are another thing. Alright, so yes, T4cc should be rare as they are end-game items, but I really don't think it would hurt to raise that bracket a bit? Make it Top 50 or 100 to suit the growing player base. Of course, that still means grinding a lot, and many would probably miss that and get the % rank rewards instead.
But behold, the % rank rewards only give you T3cc crystals...in a T4cc arena. Come on, even if all 3 crystals dropped the same class and I sold all of them, that's only 540 T4cc fragments, which is LESS than 1 T4cc fragment crystal. I'd figure if this is called a T4cc arena, then it should give some T4cc fragments at the very least. Along with the T3cc, there should be T4cc fragment crystals awarded, doesn't have to be a lot but still something. Top 10% get 3, next 20% get 2 and next 30% gets 1. It's not a lot but they are still relevant and better rewards than what is being offered right now.
So, TL;DR, the rewards in the T4cc arena needs updating. Iso should be removed from Ascendant crystal, and maybe replaced with T4B/cc fragments. For rank rewards, top 25 should be increased to either top 50 or 100 to accommodate growing player base while keeping T4cc's rarity. Add a few T4cc fragment crystals to the % rewards.
I feel the T4cc arena's rewards are incredibly outdated, both the prize pool and the rewards themselves. Let's look at the rewards first. The final milestone contains an ascendant crystal, which commonly gives ISO with a rare chance at T1a, T4B and T4cc catalysts. I mean, I'm fine with the T1a, T4B and T4cc being in there of course, but ISO-8, really? Who would grind 1.5m just to get ISO? I feel that these should either be removed from the crystal, or better yet, replace it with T4B/cc fragments in its drop table. Those would actually be way more useful than ISO.
That's just the milestone rewards, the rank rewards are another thing. Alright, so yes, T4cc should be rare as they are end-game items, but I really don't think it would hurt to raise that bracket a bit? Make it Top 50 or 100 to suit the growing player base. Of course, that still means grinding a lot, and many would probably miss that and get the % rank rewards instead.
But behold, the % rank rewards only give you T3cc crystals...in a T4cc arena. Come on, even if all 3 crystals dropped the same class and I sold all of them, that's only 540 T4cc fragments, which is LESS than 1 T4cc fragment crystal. I'd figure if this is called a T4cc arena, then it should give some T4cc fragments at the very least. Along with the T3cc, there should be T4cc fragment crystals awarded, doesn't have to be a lot but still something. Top 10% get 3, next 20% get 2 and next 30% gets 1. It's not a lot but they are still relevant and better rewards than what is being offered right now.
So, TL;DR, the rewards in the T4cc arena needs updating. Iso should be removed from Ascendant crystal, and maybe replaced with T4B/cc fragments. For rank rewards, top 25 should be increased to either top 50 or 100 to accommodate growing player base while keeping T4cc's rarity. Add a few T4cc fragment crystals to the % rewards.
Yea those would be pretty awesome, maybe more % reward brackets. So like, Top 5% gets 5 T4cc fragment crystals, and the top x (where x is an integer, not a %) get 10 T4cc fragment crystals. That should up the competition substantially.
^^^Great suggestion. My alliance and I would actually play this arena if these were the rewards.
Yea that would be really awesome too! My original suggestion was just taking Kabam's... methods of rewarding into consideration, since they tend not to over-reward players... o-o