It's all based on the average PI of your top 5 champions (without synergies or masteries), so it is always increasing. The PI for each champ is different and will vary based on rank, level, and signature ability level. So with all of that combined together, it can vary greatly from player to player.
There is no such thing as an average prestige. The vast majority of allies don't care about prestige, but rather which and how many champs you have ranked up. Do you have enough 4*'s at rank 3? How many 5*'s do you have at R4? Do you have enough champs to tackle the alliance required activities (AQ & AW) and also still work through your solo quests?
Even the last ally I was in didn't care about prestige. We were Tier 4 war (Gold 1), AQ Map 5, average player ranking of 400k+, and my prestige is over 5k.
Prestige really only matters in the ultra-elite allies.
There are probably averages out there for certain brackets like being able to run AQ Map 3 for 5 days or being in Tier 10 AW, but most allies won't judge you on that.
Also, your prestige has absolutely nothing to do with how good you are and if you're good enough for certain content. I've seen guys with a 5* blade get their butts kicked but then other players clear that same content with a maxed 3* champ without breaking a sweat. You'll want to look for alliances with players about the same size as you (base player rating) because they'll typically be in the same class. The more you progress, the more you'll understand where you need to be.
At the end of the day, if you don't know your prestige or if you're in the right place, then it doesn't matter what it is.
4000+ is when you can finally start doing most of the in game content. 4500+ is around the time I completed act. 5000 for lol etc. All things considered
A good average for me is 5k. To have a good set of maxed 4*s and rank 3 5*s. That's where you usually start being accepted to 5x5 alliances. If you show alliances you have skill the you can get lucky and get into a good 5x5 alliance with a 4k prestige like I did.
If you are going to advance in the game it's a good idea to know your prestige. At some point alliances will start asking. You can drop all masteries and average your top 5 pi or use a prestige calculator, but I agree that it only matters for alliances trying to reach a certain level in AQ. We are top 300 without map 6. Can't stay there and take someone with low prestige.
There is no such thing as an average prestige. The vast majority of allies don't care about prestige, but rather which and how many champs you have ranked up. Do you have enough 4*'s at rank 3? How many 5*'s do you have at R4? Do you have enough champs to tackle the alliance required activities (AQ & AW) and also still work through your solo quests?
Even the last ally I was in didn't care about prestige. We were Tier 4 war (Gold 1), AQ Map 5, average player ranking of 400k+, and my prestige is over 5k.
Prestige really only matters in the ultra-elite allies.
All alliances care about prestige, if an alliance don't care about it then it isn't a good one, gold 1 isn't that good to be honest, and a prestige of 5k at 400k sucks, try improving it
As stated above, Gold 1 Alliances are many and maybe like 60% of them don’t care about Prestige too much. As your progress into Platinum 3 Prestige becomes a bigger factor and Alliances start requesting a Prestige of 5k-6.2k (estimate)
Plat 2 Alliances generally want you to have 3 R4 5*’s and one R5 5* champ with a minimum prestige of 6500+
Elites/Top players have a Prestige between 7k - 7.4k - Hope that paints a picture for you and helps you in your future rank ups.
Currently I sit at 6642 Prestige and my future rank ups will increase this.. not ranking up bad prestige champs, but hey everyone is different.
Google “Prestige Calculator MCOC” and you’ll find an easy to use Calc to find out what your prestige is.
Even the last ally I was in didn't care about prestige. We were Tier 4 war (Gold 1), AQ Map 5, average player ranking of 400k+, and my prestige is over 5k.
Prestige really only matters in the ultra-elite allies.
Also, your prestige has absolutely nothing to do with how good you are and if you're good enough for certain content. I've seen guys with a 5* blade get their butts kicked but then other players clear that same content with a maxed 3* champ without breaking a sweat. You'll want to look for alliances with players about the same size as you (base player rating) because they'll typically be in the same class. The more you progress, the more you'll understand where you need to be.
At the end of the day, if you don't know your prestige or if you're in the right place, then it doesn't matter what it is.
All alliances care about prestige, if an alliance don't care about it then it isn't a good one, gold 1 isn't that good to be honest, and a prestige of 5k at 400k sucks, try improving it
Plat 2 Alliances generally want you to have 3 R4 5*’s and one R5 5* champ with a minimum prestige of 6500+
Elites/Top players have a Prestige between 7k - 7.4k - Hope that paints a picture for you and helps you in your future rank ups.
Currently I sit at 6642 Prestige and my future rank ups will increase this.. not ranking up bad prestige champs, but hey everyone is different.
Google “Prestige Calculator MCOC” and you’ll find an easy to use Calc to find out what your prestige is.