Recruiting for Active Alliance

We are a new alliance, although i guess you could say we're rebuilding from [Kibim] Defenders of the Universe. We have the seven most active players from our old alliance, as well as a not - cheesy name, and we are looking to move up a tier, because some of the less active players were holding us back. We have a discord server, and you are strongly recommended to get it, as it is easier to run than Line. We are looking for players about 35k to 60k willing to check in on a regular basis. (Every day or two is recommended. Three days of inactivity will get you a warning, and two warnings in a month will get you kicked, as will inactivity during a period of Alliance Questing or War.)
We realize that at the heart of all well run Alliances, there are two things. One: A friendship between players and maybe a little comical/playful rivalry to give us some gas Two: A well oiled system of organization. Corresponding to one: If you are not a friendly player, you are not a positive part of the alliance. Constructive feedback is the only negative feedback tolerated. As of two: We have a discord chat system, as mentioned before, and each person who joins our alliance will be assigned to a Battlegroup they should join until further notice. This will clear up any confusion relating to wars, and allow us to participate and hopefully win more easily.
We are aiming to get to Silver 2 in AW seasons, and this is not unreasonable because we were Bronze I last season. We are not an AW focused alliance, but we do plan on participating in AW slightly more than most alliances our level. (About 55% AW.) We are going to run just one Battlegroup until we can get 18 people, at which point we will do 2 Battlegroups. You will be notified of all wars and quests via our Discord Announcements Channel two days prior to each said campaign.
Our alliance has decided to Run AQ map three, because the reward difference is not very great between maps three and four. Since we are focusing more on AW, We will be at a slightly lower notch in AQ, but if it drops too low, we will take special emergency questing action to heal our rating.
Our old alliance was not great because they didn't pay any attention to Alliance events. I have taken a vow (complete with the heavenly music and all) not to be that way. We promise to always notice Alliance Events and get those reliable summoner advancement rewards. Although with the last one I got, I formed a five star hero crystal, and who should come out but Kamala Khan. Anyways, point is, we are not one of those alliances who has no clue what a perfect series is, or a duel skirmish.
The thing that is really important to come away with is an opinion about whether this is the Alliance for you or not. If it's not, I understand. In MY opinion, we are perfectfantasticamazing in every way. If you see what I mean, this is the alliance for you. (Just kidding. Please also be between 35 and 60k.)
We realize that at the heart of all well run Alliances, there are two things. One: A friendship between players and maybe a little comical/playful rivalry to give us some gas Two: A well oiled system of organization. Corresponding to one: If you are not a friendly player, you are not a positive part of the alliance. Constructive feedback is the only negative feedback tolerated. As of two: We have a discord chat system, as mentioned before, and each person who joins our alliance will be assigned to a Battlegroup they should join until further notice. This will clear up any confusion relating to wars, and allow us to participate and hopefully win more easily.
We are aiming to get to Silver 2 in AW seasons, and this is not unreasonable because we were Bronze I last season. We are not an AW focused alliance, but we do plan on participating in AW slightly more than most alliances our level. (About 55% AW.) We are going to run just one Battlegroup until we can get 18 people, at which point we will do 2 Battlegroups. You will be notified of all wars and quests via our Discord Announcements Channel two days prior to each said campaign.
Our alliance has decided to Run AQ map three, because the reward difference is not very great between maps three and four. Since we are focusing more on AW, We will be at a slightly lower notch in AQ, but if it drops too low, we will take special emergency questing action to heal our rating.
Our old alliance was not great because they didn't pay any attention to Alliance events. I have taken a vow (complete with the heavenly music and all) not to be that way. We promise to always notice Alliance Events and get those reliable summoner advancement rewards. Although with the last one I got, I formed a five star hero crystal, and who should come out but Kamala Khan. Anyways, point is, we are not one of those alliances who has no clue what a perfect series is, or a duel skirmish.
The thing that is really important to come away with is an opinion about whether this is the Alliance for you or not. If it's not, I understand. In MY opinion, we are perfectfantasticamazing in every way. If you see what I mean, this is the alliance for you. (Just kidding. Please also be between 35 and 60k.)