Best ways to earn gold? I’m down to 68... seriously

I know this has been a global frustration for some time, but I’ve finally hit rock bottom in terms of gold and I’m looking for some advice. I’m the leader of an alliance that does free maps only, so none of my gold has gone to the treasury in ages. I’ve been playing versus to earn some arena crystals with battle chips (hence,gold), but it’s feeling extremely laborious.
In terms of gold, is it better to buy the uncollected arena crystals for 10,000 battle chips or the regular arena crystals for 2,000 battle chips? The amounts of gold (aside from the “top prize” are not published in the drop rates, so I’m curious if anyone has been able to determine which is better in terms of the amount of gold likely to be earned taking into account the price of the crystal.
What quests grant the most gold? I’ve gone through the monthly Heroic, Master, and some of Uncollected level, but the low amount of gold earned seems absurd. Are there any story quests worth repeating? Or daily quests just to earn the gold?
The gold earned from war is at least enough to take a champion up a few levels, but yet again, nothing substantial.
Do any of you resort to buying gold crystals with units or glory? Or are there any other avenues to earning gold that I’m overlooking?
Any advice is appreciated. I’m feeling poor and stuck.

In terms of gold, is it better to buy the uncollected arena crystals for 10,000 battle chips or the regular arena crystals for 2,000 battle chips? The amounts of gold (aside from the “top prize” are not published in the drop rates, so I’m curious if anyone has been able to determine which is better in terms of the amount of gold likely to be earned taking into account the price of the crystal.
What quests grant the most gold? I’ve gone through the monthly Heroic, Master, and some of Uncollected level, but the low amount of gold earned seems absurd. Are there any story quests worth repeating? Or daily quests just to earn the gold?
The gold earned from war is at least enough to take a champion up a few levels, but yet again, nothing substantial.
Do any of you resort to buying gold crystals with units or glory? Or are there any other avenues to earning gold that I’m overlooking?
Any advice is appreciated. I’m feeling poor and stuck.

Don't waste units on gold crystals. Really poor gold rates, you can buy 10 and it's very likely that you'll only get like 22,000 gold. It's really just the arena where you'd probably get a lot of gold the fastest, and hopefully kabam can bring back gold realms. If they do that do every single difficulty every time. I used to have a gold problem before the December gold realms but after that I still never have less than 1 milion gold.
Seriously, though. The Arena is the largest source. Do multiple Arenas for BCs and Milestones. Hold off on spending and dedicate some time to building a minimum balance. Then keep that balance, and replace what you use as you go. Gold comes from other sources as well, but the Arena is the largest source. Just don't spend until you build some.
You get out what you put in. Set goals in arena you can accomplish so it gives you something to shoot for rather than aimlessly going into it. The battlechips from arena combined with the sale of the iso8 from duping champions yields a fair amount of gold.
Wait, you mean 68k gold, ok that's on the low.
Wait, what? you mean 68 pennies!
ok, let's put your 68 pennies into better use, for example, squash & flatten them
Joke aside, I feel your pain. I used to maintain 6M-8M gold. In Dec, my gold was down to 4-5M, last month, it was down to 2-3M, now it is barely 1+M .... I'm a regular active player, I play many of those daily quests, and of course monthly quest and story quest, and any special event quests. I grind arena EVERYDAY. I'll talk to you again when I'm left with 68 pennies and we can have beers together!
Thanks, super useful to know.
I guess I had a feeling arena was the way to go about earning gold in desperate times.
As far as the gold realm quests go, yeah, I did them all in December (and whenever they were around before that) and I'm still out. LOL.
1. play map 3 or 4 only
2. Dont rank more than one champ every two weeks.
3. Play in arena at least 25 rounds on feature and 25 in basic.
4. Play quest
5. Sell iso expiring
6. Sell items expiring
My roster is 40 5 stars, 20 of them rank 3. 5 of then 4/55. 1 5star 5/65. 20 rank 5 4 stars. Like 60 rank 3 4 stars. 2 6 stars ready for level 2.
STOP whining guys.
Good idea, except now we need to change alliance, find an alliance that is not doing AQ map 5 or 4, and not requiring donation, and etc. Also, seems with only ranking not more than 1 champ every 2 weeks will not allow us to achieve some of our SA target/goal.
Nothing wrong, still many ppl are doing that, some even no longer care about SA, but I think some of us are talking about our "active AQ + AW + SA milestones + Arena + etc"
Wait one day I quit alliance altogether and play solo, and after I horde 100M gold without spending a penny, I'll come here again to show off my 100M shiny gold