Looking to recruit active members before the next season begins.

Hello all, I'm sure all of you have taken notice of the great deal of changes in the contest. Many of our casual members have left our alliance. This is a good and bad thing because we need members to contribute to AQ and AW. However we feel that we would advance through AW tiers quickly with more active players. For the time being we run AQ map 3 and map 2 during war, but we would like to jump up to AQ map 4 on a more regular basis as we acquire more active players. Please don't hesitate to contact me over line: starkiller630
PS: We made Silver 3 last war season... and won our last war with only 6 people active which proves that it was only the active members that secured victory. We would love to have more active members to help us attain new rewards. The only requirements that we have is that you have a player rating of at least 135,000 and some Map 3 experience. You can also contact me in the game: Dmack876637.
Have a great day!
PS: We made Silver 3 last war season... and won our last war with only 6 people active which proves that it was only the active members that secured victory. We would love to have more active members to help us attain new rewards. The only requirements that we have is that you have a player rating of at least 135,000 and some Map 3 experience. You can also contact me in the game: Dmack876637.
Have a great day!