alliance disbanding and looking for a new one

alliance im in is disbanding and looking to join a new one.
those my current best champions.
i reached the bottle neck of were i need t4CC to upgrade my better champs.
im generally pretty active. have the luxury where i can do moves while at work.
those my current best champions.
i reached the bottle neck of were i need t4CC to upgrade my better champs.
im generally pretty active. have the luxury where i can do moves while at work.
Hey man click the link and let’s talk about getting you into a great competitive alliance. We do 5x5 and are focusing all of our attention to platinum 1 in war.
Were the folks quiting bcos of the new AQ?
Alliance initial: "PARKW"
We’d also be happy to have ya, 3mil, get tier 4 etc.
I also recommend doing heroic, and buying the shards with glory from aq. Really good way of forming them!
We hit sa weekly. Quite casual. Map32222 tier 13-14 depends if we win or lose this war haha. Let’s hope it’s not the later
My line is: swingtwisters
Game is: swing Twisters
Have a good day pal
was because of a bad chain reaction. once season ended 10 people left, which made other people panic thinking alliance falling apart, and 10 more left. which did lead to it falling apart. now there only 11 of us, and only 4 of us even joined the war we in. so leader announced he disbanding it.
add me in game if interested MHCOA
We're a pretty laid back bunch, but still push for AW wins and AQ completion as much as possible.
Add me in game or on line app
In game- Dawolverin37
Line ID- Dawolverine37
GL we are looking for new members so just msg me
We are a 9.5 mil, 44332 AQ, Gold 3 AW active alliance. We have a bunch of positive, good guys. Check us out at Nerd Brigade. If you are interested, hit us up on line @geedoesit or @groundround. I hope that you find a great new place to hang out. If you are still looking, though, it would be worth giving us a look. Thanks.