Blade useless in unduped oponent?

I encounter unduped mordoo in alliance war i fight him with blade and blade have active danger sense so why mordoo astral evade activated on blade if mordo is unduped
2 - At best, Blade can only reduce ability accuracy by 45%.
3 - Against Mordo, Blade can't reduce ability accuracy at all: Mordo is immune to ability accuracy reduction.
However it does lower Mordos abilities. That is by a percentage though, so a chance for it to activate does exist. To make the most , you need the full trinity of blade, sparky and ghost rider.
Mordo is immune to ability reduction, but blade can bypass the immunities of opponents when danger sense is active so blade can bypass astral evade with around a 56% chance with the sparky synergy and 45% without it
Reread my post. Im saying that, but at same time saying he shouldnt be able to according to how the abilities are worded in game. If im correct anyways haha.
Edit: nevermind, reread Blade abilities and it does in fact mention he can by pass ability reduction immunities.
Its just coincidence. If you fight more undupe mordos youll get working parrys at some point