Stark enhanced Spiderman bug

HadoineHadoine Member Posts: 23
Okay, so Stark enhanced Spiderman (SES) is easily one of the best champs in the game.

However there is one inconsistency that really needs a fix. The way SES auto evade interacts with a players manual evade. At the moment you get the worst of both worlds: you get the short evade from auto evade, leaving you in range of a follow up attack but you get the dexterity buff from manual evade, which triggers MD and buffet.
Either make manual evade fully overrule auto evade, or make it so that WHEN auto evade takes over from manual evade, dexterity buff is not triggered.

Thanks for having a look!


  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    Very good point in what your described. I had my dupped 4* Starky recently ranked up to R5/50 max (tech t4cc was my bottleneck for a long time, too much cosmic & science, too little tech and mutant), but I might not have notice this due to probably either many short fights not long enough to notice, or in some intense fight, too intense and can't get distracted by anything else, and I don't record my gameplay so I can't playback to watch.

    If you have any video showing the case you describe, it will be great, at least next time when my Starky got hit, at least I know what goes wrong :)
  • _noyes_noyes Member Posts: 51
    I complete agree with you @Hadoine , but do you really want them messing around with evade engine? It's apparently one of the most complex aspect of the game, or at least that's the lore that we were fed when spidy would evade and hit at the same time.
  • HadoineHadoine Member Posts: 23
    they dont need to mess with anything. Just make one of the effects unable to trigger after either of the other is already triggered... Not rocket science, but hey, you know that @_noyes
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  • HadoineHadoine Member Posts: 23
    Game balance should not be achieved by ignoring bugs. If needed, nerf champs but do not leave bugs for this purpose
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  • HadoineHadoine Member Posts: 23
    This is as much a bug as the original evade bug, in that 2 actions are occuring in the same instance (passive evade+attack versus passive evade+active evade), both with a negative result to the player.
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  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,523 ★★★★★
    I would like to see them tweak it but I don't find it too be too much of a problem
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